chapter two

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"Don't fall for an idiot," Queen Athena warned her daughter. "It would—"

"Disgrace the Athenian name," Annabeth cut in. "I know, Mother."

Athena sighed. Annabeth could tell she was slightly worried for her well-being. Although Athena didn't show it, Annabeth knew she got stressed out sometimes.

"Poseidon," Athena spat. "Why his kingdom? The honor Athens would have if it was held there! 'Poseidon would be the easiest to charm' Zeus said..."

Annabeth looked outside the carriage window. They would be arriving at Corinth in one hour. Piper, her handmaiden, was sitting awkwardly beside her while Athena went on her little rant about the King and overall place of Corinth.

"Is Athens bit beautiful?" Athena demanded. "Is Athens not beautiful? Annabeth? Piper?"

"Yes, Mother, it is beautiful." Annabeth said. She stiffled a laugh. Her mother ranted about random things when she was worried.

"The beautifulest of all the kingdoms, your majesty." Piper agreed. Annabeth knew her mother favored Piper. Around Athena, Piper was respectful, obedient, and kind, but around Annabeth, she was her true self.

Piper was one of the few educated slaves. She was witty and had a way with words, she was very persuasive when she wanted to be. She had choppy hair and ever changing kaleidoscope eyes.

Athena insisted that Piper come along with Annabeth. Neither Piper or Annabeth complained.

At first, Annabeth was weary of going to Corinth, but when she realized she had no choice, she decided not to voice her complaints.

She marveled at the architecture of Corinth. It was sophisticated, but had a child-like wonder that Athens did not consume. The people outside were shopping and smiling like they weren't just about to move away from a very long time. She saw a bunch of people that were selling fruit and bread give it to the poor.

"Aren't Corinth's people supposed to be heading to Olympia?" Annabeth asked her mother.

"Change of plans," Athena said. "You guys are going to be leading them. Well, mainly  Prince Perseus because he knows much more about this city-state than the others..."

Annabeth forgot how to breathe. They were letting a bunch of kids rule a city? She regained herself. No signs of weakness, especially in front of her mother.

"It will be good practice," Athena said. "You will have Athens to rule pretty soon, you know."

Annabeth remained silent. Sometimes, she questioned the ruling if the Kings and Queens if Greece. Again, she would never voice this, but she was raised to think outside the box, learn, question things. But she knew where to draw the line.

Finally, they arrived at the Palace of Corinth. Even though Annabeth had just been here once week ago, she still marveled at the architecture. Her mother gave her a pointed look and she regained her composure.

The carriage stopped. Annabeth smoothed out her dress, made Piper make sure her tiara was straight, and waited for the slave to open the door. Once one did, Athena stepped out, followed by Annabeth, and then Piper. Athena and Annabeth steppes forward, but Piper went and grabbed Annabeth's luggage.

Annabeth walked up the beautiful stone steps until she was right in front of Percy. She curtsied, he bowed. He kissed the top of her hand.

"Princess Annabeth," he greeted. He was wearing expensive clothes and had a crown atop his head messy raven black hair, like someone tried to fix it, but failed miserably. His sea-green eyes held a gaze that was emotionless.

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