No More Lonely Nights

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Everyone was shocked and surprised at the same time after all the revelations and everyone was starting to catch up with Andrea giving no time for the couple to be alone and talk about the relationship between them. Unaware that they are both starting to get pissed off feelings like been waiting in vain for the love they deserved. It's been snowing outside and there a busy weekend for everyone. There's a small Thanksgiving gathering arranged by the twins with the help of thw runway family. The townhouse was well lighted and smells so good with all the home made dishes everyone had been very busy to prepare for. The twins helped the nanny clean and prepare the guest rooms since it's expected to be long weekend celebration with just intimate chosen families of Miranda and Andrea. Maximo arrived at the townhouse at 11:30pm and was settled to his room which was next to Andrea on the 4th floor. The rest of the guest will be on the second floor. Everything went well as planned. Miranda got on time but Andrea was a bit late since she had an emergency meeting with Mila. The lunch went good everyone was full and most of the guest went back to work living the Priestley's, Maximo and Miranda alone. Andrea went back to see Mila to continue the meeting. The twins went to their rooms to study and Miranda and Maximo were in the study room.

Max:I am happy for you Miranda. After all this years you finally got a person you deserve.
M:well, about that. Im honestly pissed and getting crazy over this situation. As she drink the glass of scotch while reading emails. Everyone is getting her attention. We haven't talked about us yet! I know it's been week and we are all so happy and thankful foe Andrea. But.. It's just that.. I want her alone.. I missed her! And I'm so frustrated already of just watching her every day. I wanna make it official. I want us to be like normal couples do. But we haven't even talk about us!
Max:Oh Mirandy.. I think I can help with that. I can watch over the twins so you can go out for a small vacation.. I can asked jess to make arrangements.. I'm surprised about this and thank you for telling me. Im glad to hear your side..
M:well your like my own child dear. And I don't traust anyone..i cant say these to the twins too though they love her but the issue is for grown ups.. You know...
Max:Or maybe the best place and time is here. At townhouse. I can bring the twins to the new hotel i have invested. Its just same state at the south. I would love to spend and make new fun and adventure with my sisters.. How about that?
M:well, i have no idea about Andrea... Though that would be great idea.. You know people will come back tonight to sleep over and have a disco night later.. They all worked hard for that.
Max: yeah.. Well go first thing in the morning. And I'm sure people wont stay long here at your house.
M:let's see what we can do about that later. By the way Max I'm so so proud of you. Im sure your parents are too. Thank you for being the son I never had. Max come closer as they hugged each other. Unknowingly to the two Andrea came in to the room and saw it on a blind angle making her think of interruption she went unnoticed and got up to her room.

The dinner and party was a blast of happiness. Everyone was enjoying the evening but Andrea was mostly dancing or sitting next to Nigel. Making herself distant from Max and Miranda. The party ended at 12 midnight since there's a shoot next morning and the kids are going on weekend with their brother. Miranda was in the twins room on the 3rd floor telling them about how happy she was about the Thanksgiving and giving instructions about their date with their brother. She walks off the room and went down to check the alarms and make sure doors and windows are closed. Everyone was settled in their rooms. The house was now quite and thankfully cleaned up fast as to the extra crew they hired to do cleanings. She can't sleep obviously due to the thoughts and frustrations. Her longing for Andrea but she has to wait since she knows Andrea has her own life and different job and also starting on making small investments in some real estate. She went to her study and decided to finish all her emails and live instructions for the weekends with her assistants. She was sober after finishing a bottle of scotch while on work. She used the elevator since she's so dizzy and very sleepy. She took off her clothes and change into her black negligee with her black lacy underwear. A drunk Miranda with full of fantasy to her beloved was half awake as she reached her bed. She can't believe what she felt after she lay down. That familiar scent and skin she felt almost a year ago in paris. She scrub her eyes and try to wake up herself and the glimpse of the moonlight shone on the silhouette of person's face.

M:Is it really you? My... She moved her hands and gently touched the cheeks hoping to wake up with the dream.. I don't know if this is dream or real but you keep making me crazy.
A:It's me my love. I miss you so much.. I wanna touch you now. I can't wait any longer for all to get out of your house...i want you now.. She kissed Miranda after  she gave way to Andrea. The kiss didn't take long for the both to undress themselves.. Andrea was a bit crazy and hard this time on Miranda. Her deep fantasy and emotions of ecstasy is driving her to be wild as she tore her dress and suck every inch of Miranda. The editor felt helpless and at the same time was so wet for all the pleasure she's been given. Andrea was not just sucking and licking her breast but giving bites. Leaving kiss marks on her breathtakingly slender body. She went down after she tie her beloveds hand on the headboard with the lace of the robe. She fearlessly bit and tore the lacy underwear of then editor and got more crazy to see that pinkish and wet core she's been dying to fuck hard.. She traced the being of her lover with her middle finger and take a pause to look deeply in dragoness eyes as she whispered I can't promise this won't hurt but I will stop if you say so.. This is going to be rough and hard my love.. Do you want me to continue? Before she could hear an answer she gave her a thirst fully kiss as she got the reply on the kiss she went down and spread the legs of Miranda..
She suck her clits and slid her tounge inside with the middle finger going in deep and hard.. Miranda's body moved in arched as she let go of her deep moans full of ecstasy. Andrea made it two finger as she continued to suck it hard while her one hand is wondering Miranda's breast and ass. After Miranda made her second orgasm she grabbed the sex toy that was kept on Miranda's cabinet and wear it. She bore herself fast and hard and went deep and in slow motion she took it out and did it again. Miranda was pleading for more and when she gotbsure her lover new how its gonna get she made it fast. They dance their body together with showers of kisses until they finally exploded to their climax.  They got a few more rounds before they stopped and fall asleep. Miranda was sleeping on top of Andrea's chest both of them naked and happy. Miranda reached the remote controls on the lock of her room and made sure to lock it before she fall to sleep and leaving emails and messages to max and the twins.

-Hi there! Happy new year everyone! I'm sorry it really took long.. I didn't expect the story would run this far. Im hoping to finish this on valentines day. Life happens and we're all busy despite the pandemic. I hope you are all well safe and healthy physically and mentally. Thank you for my 400plus readers! I appreciate any comments, votes, suggestions and whatever. I do have a yt channel its on my profile here. You can follow me on Instagram and Twitter too. Just dm me for the username or I can follow you from there. I hope you have watched the prom and let them all talk. It's been a blast of amazing Meryl performance i love and enjoyed it! Xoxo. 💕💕

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