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Oh Good Lord! Miranda? Hey? Wake up? It's me Andrea?  Andrea run towards the editor and tried to tap her. She was sound asleep. Her face was peaceful and pleasant but there were dark circles under her eyes which obviously shows that she must be crying. Andrea put her hand on the editors forehead and her temperature was normal. The editor finally moved as Nigel got back to the room and then there it is! The reason why they weren't heard. There was a wireless earpieces on Miranda's ears. Oh! So that's why she brought that with her. Nigel was first to say and continues six why don't you tell the front desk to not get the doctor here. Im sure she just needs a lot of sleeps. And im a hundred percent sure that she's listening to some crazy orchestra concerts in her dreams. Andrea nodded as she saw that Nigel sit near the editor. Nigel found the ipad underneath the pillow where he checked the music. It was the twins recorded plays. Nigel strokes her hair and started talking. My friend,  I know how complicated this life and situation you have now. But please don't take it to yourself. I am always here for you. I will always be here for you. I never changed when i said i will be your big brother since you don't have one. Just please stop hurting yourself. Don't do this. You don't deserve this. You deserve the best. Andrea decided to go down and buy some medicine for the editor after she called her doctor in state. Nigel just sits there and didn't move. He knows everything about Miranda and was very worried for her friend. He then received a message from Andrea saying she's going to go buy some medicine and drinks for the editor in chief. Nigel went to lock the doors of his room and the connecting doors since Miranda was deeply in sleep. He also decided to change in sweatshirt and pajamas. He also called Andrea about the first appointment to be push to lunch and he will take care the rest of the appointment until she wakes up. He was fast and was even able to clean the mess around sa living room.

10 minutes later he was surprised when he ger back to the editors bedroom and he heard Mirandas voice already.
Thank you for taking considerations with my private matters and manage the meeting this way. She was sitting in her bed resting in the headboard with her robe and laptop in her a pillow in front of her. Well, that would be perfect. She glance at Nigel with one brow raised making a surprise and questioning look. Nigel just then made a sign of getting the door as they both heard a kmock on the door of room service. The room service went to the bedroom as instructed by Miranda. In silence the roomboy was able to set everything perfectly near Miranda reach as Nigel watch it. He then escorted him to exit as Andrea got in where at the same time the editor turn off her mic and put the call in speaker as she was listening to the people in the video conferencing. Andrea look at Nigel and explained what happened while she went out. The editor then speaks. Well Michael this is very impressive and kind of your team. I'd want all the pieces first thing in Monday morning at my office for a run through. Miranda took some of her coffee while listening to Mike of MK's last questions. Then it is all settled. Have a great weekend Mike. The designer replied. It's nice to see you even here in virtual Miranda. It's been great. I have flight to catch up. I'll see you in New York. Miranda finished her coffee and bid goodbye to Mike. The meeting ended quick and really fast compared to an hour in the original schedule. Which was a surprise to Miranda since she's not much into virtual meetings. She'd rather send Nigel or the team in her behalf when in New York because she wants them to see the materials themselves. She then thought she'd just put all into a Skype meeting. She walks to the living room and found Nigel and Andrea both busy with the tas she gave for the second meeting so she decided to go have a cold shower and beat the hangover which was what she tells to herself not to do it again. She looks at the clock and sees she has two and half an hour for herself so she get backs to the two for updates of instruction.

Miranda are you alright? I bought you some medicine and juice to help you with the hangover. The editor nod as for thank you with a small smile and then turn her attention to Nigel who just finished a call. I want you both to set up your laptop and maybe you can connect it to the speaker Andrea. Today, I don't want you both to go out to attend the meeting. Where all hangover anyways so Andrea inform the designers about the virtual meeting. If they can't do it then cancel them. Nigel if you have any questions just knock on my door or give me a beep on my phone. I'll be in my room to freshen up. No personal questions this time. Not from any of you. That's all. She walks out and went to do her skin care routine and preps as Andy and Nigel starts to do as said. There was an entertainment room next to the living room where they settled it was next to another bedroom that was opposite to Mirandas.

Miranda was in the shower and was trying to think about the early morning. How can Andrea be so cold blooded to act like nothing happened. She finished her bath and while doing the skin care she took some medicine bought by Andy. She looked at the mirror and started talking. Im still angry at you. But because you are nice today i will stay professional as much as possible. She changed into a satin silk green blouse and a black skirt and then put a belt and a printed scarf for her accent. Her hair well brush up and she was wearing light make up and some blush on with a scarlet lipstick to hide the crazy headache she's been hiding. She decided to review the recorded meeting previously and realized that she actually didn't like the 40 percent of it. She thought about how it will be managed on the days to come. She finished with her other online paper works after an hour. It was almost lunch time and she hadn't heard any news from the two. She started to think again of the jealous feelings she's hiding and it slowly worked up on her. She went to the two to check bringing her laptop while wearing her wireless ear piece with her twins playing piano.


I thought this was clear... Yes... Exactly why I can see THIS is redundant... Andrea was busy with her notes and reviewing the designs and Nigel was currently still talking to Jocelyn. Miranda decided to take a glance and walk toward Andrea and sneaked on Andreas notes. She is very detailed and technical but there was few tiny notes that were highlighted in pink that she noticed. It was her comments and suggestions her ideas. Miranda has thought about it but she never expected it was going to be the same she would probably see and comment about as she see the designs on one of the laptop Andrea using. Tell them we are not accepting this and we changed our mind.... No.. No.. Uh huh.. Yes.. Well then i think were done here. Thank you girls for taking the time. This is truly appreciated by Miranda.. So, how about we will confirm further instructions when we get feedback from the editor... Dolce and Gabbana is always good.. Ms. Priestlys assistant will email you for the schedule at state.. Yes.. It's been great. Thank you for your time. The call ended and the two made their last few tiny notes. Andrea why don't you go to Miranda and ask her about lunch. Nigel was still on the laptop and zooming in and out the photos. That. That is the catastrophe. Andrea said as she looked at the design and Nigel shook his head. You're right about that six. But one thing soooo good today is that we finished everything in just few hours which means we can dela with our hangover and cuddle the lovely... Miranda was happy about the two but she cut them out when she feels like she doesn't wanna hear whats next as she cleared her throat to let her presence be known and thw door bell rings.. I already called for lunch you both did great today. Andrea assist the room service have it settled in the next room it has king size bed like mine you can both relax in there. Both were shocked even the editor didn't expected that. Well, a great slumber party for us three? Nigel tries to cut off the awkward moment. Great idea. Added by Andrea and Miranda was silent. She didn't know whT to answer so she walks out of the room and get to answer the door.

After few minutes Nigel and Andrea finished cleaning their stuff in the entertainment room and both changed to comfy pajamas and sweatshirt. Miranda was on her room after answering the door she went straight and was silent. The two were eager to push their plans of dealing the hangover with Miranda. So they went to Miranda's room.

N: Aren't you going to join us? Come on we're all hangover.
M: well, i wanna call the twins to check them with their visit in their grandma.
A: i checked it already earlier their sleeping. Its 12 midnight now in there.
M:oh, yeah.. I forgot the time. She's anger and jealousy starts to get worked up again but she decided not to dela with it. Well, then let's have our lunch and sleep.
N: thank God! Come on and I'm STARVING!

They all laughed and went to the next room.
They enjoyed the meal and made small talks that are not about work. Andrea told Miranda about the dinner with Maximo so she has no escape to these two but deal with them. They watched movie while they all are in the big bed. Miranda has changed her clothes to new sets of navy blue velvet pair of pajamas making her glow up more despite hangover.  Miranda was in right edge and Nigel was on the left edge. Andrea went to her room and made a few calls to her doorman. When she get back Nigel was already sleepy head watching the movie and Miranda was on the center she went on and took the right side corner. She handed them a bottled water and some medicines since its quarter to 12 then she set her alarm and watched the movie. Few minutes later and they are all in deep sleep.

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