Good To See You Again

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It's been quite months like it felt a year for me. But I had to do what was best for everyone. Every step I'm taking as we get closer to the Elias Clarke is driving my heart out of my chest.. I'm so nervous about this idea and yet I can't afford to wait any longer and lie to her. I have to deal with all these consequences has. This is not how I wanted it but it happened already. Now I need to fix this after making sure to double check that Zandro who was in jail is the real Zandro and not an impostor. I had enough suffering and have been scared the shit out of me for quite time now. My head sometimes to fucking hurt like hammering my brain but glad that it's not the way it used to for the first 2 months of recovery. And there were scars I had to live by. Scars in my being. Scars in my soul that laser treatments can never erased but I will never regret that. It's what has saved Miranda and she's all that matters to me. I can't lose her. I'd fight to death before that happen. She was brought back to reality when Emily tapped her back signaling her to enter the building. Glad that there were less employee in
E:hey! You okay? It's gonna be alright. This will set your free.. The truth. She hugged her friend and they hold hands and made their way to the building. The guard was surprised and shocked out of recognition but both girls are glad that Rony is fast to understand the way they look at him saying not to draw attention. A few Runway people got out of the elevator and they were fast to fill it in and closed the door.

They reached the floor and realized that people were easily dismissed out of Emily's knowledge but they both take it as a good sign. Andrea grab Emily on the corner before the entrance a few feet away from the door.
E:What is it? Andrea hugged her tight for a moment and took some deep breaths.
A:whatever happens I am the happiest and luckiest chosen sister in the whole world. I love everything about you.. And... And that.. Uhhmm..and
E:and what siz?
A:and that if ever she don't believe me or takes all these in the negative way I do not want you to be put in the middle of the situation. You have been a great help in everything and I can't take it if you will lose your job and the Runway Family because of my pretending.
E:don't you dare think about it that way. We have no idea yet. Cheer up. And let's think it the positive way.
A:yeah.. You're right. Can you promise to stay in the door so no one can interrupt my story narration?
E:I will do it because I love my siztah.. And of course I have been with you through this all. You will have me always at your back. They look at the second assistant who was busy with her phone and stuff.
Louisa:Yes Nigel I know. You bet.. I have lots of stuff in my hands right now. Well email you later when I get this last things done and straight home... She's still there silent.. Hhmm.. I know.. No clue.. The elevator rings and she got inside.
Andrea:I believe that's the Louisa girl right? She didn't noticed us?
E:I can't believe she didn't. But I think it's good also. Wait let me call the front desk downstairs to give me a beat if someone comes up unexpectedly. She made a quick call and order right away and hang up.
A:I'll go inside? You're not going to your desk? She nods her head in response and gives her a reassuring smile and comforting hugs.

She looks around in her way tk the office. Nothings changed. It was all the same. She walks slowly tracing the walls and tables she passed by. Glance to the tables of her friends. It was silent. Until she heard soft music from the editors room. She's feeling so nervous and starts to feel unsure to keep going with what she thought earlier was the best time. She heard some murmurs of Miranda's voice and a familiar man's voice. She's just not sure who it is.
She reached the front door of Miranda's office and the lights were low. She knocks on the door twice by didn't think it was heard. Then she starts to step backgmward slowly until she heard..
M:Hey Maxy. I'm really fine. I need to hang up now. I wanna finish some works then cuddle with my twins. I'm perfectly fine nothing to worry about. I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast.
Max:alright Mrs. Priestly if that's what you say so. See you. Take care. Call me when you get home or leave office. And I'll do the same. The call ended and Miranda rose from her chair and went to the bathroom. She thought she heard a knock but she needs to pee. She quickly went straight to the toilet in her room. Andrea on the other side thought Miranda was about to answer the door then she realized she's on the rest room so she stayed there standing in front door. After a few minutes Miranda went out of the rest room and checked the door just as Andrea was about to knock the door opened. Miranda look straight confused and surprised someone was really there. She already recognized who it was but she decided to act like not.
M:Who are you? She look at the table of her assistants then glance at the small calendar on the table. Emily? Andrea took off her shades and smiled shyly to Miranda.
A:Hi. It's me. I was hoping I could snatched some of your time for a private matter. She looks at Miranda's table and saw the paper works waiting. But it's okay.. Maybe some other time. I'll just leave. Miranda didn't expect that reaction. Andrea turn around and started to walk herself out. Miranda in her mind was thinking about what to do. Am I just gonna let her slip away again? What are you doing Miranda!
M:wait. I'm sorry I was just not expecting to see visitors today. Please come in Andrea.
A:Oh, I'm sorry about that. I should have called first. Miranda went straight to her and hugged her and made her cheek to cheek..
M:it's nice to see you.. It's lovely to see you.. I hope a good news brought you here.
A:Well, actually I have a lot to say. She smiled awkwardly. She glanced at the table.
M:have a seat. My work can wait. Those were just for reviews now. I was just not able to fix the table since I was in a call. Would you like some drinks or meals? I can call Emily to grab some in her way back here.
A:Maybe a drink. Perhaps a hard drink like scotch? As she noticed the bottle of scotch on the window that was half empty already.
M:Oh, I'm sorry for that. Wait and I'll get you a glass. She walks out of the room and went to the small kitchen grab some ice and glass. She got thousands of questions running in her mind. She was thinking about her everyday like every minute. She never thought she'd see her right at the moment.
A:you have a lovely office. Relaxing colors and minimal arts and designs.
M:Thank you. Here you go..she filled the glass and gave to Andrea who was standing out there looking out the window near the bottle. So how have you been lately? Did you stayed at Ohio all this time?
A:nope actually I was in Vancouver. She sits down in the window frame that was well designed in a comfy chair. And Miranda sits on the opposite side with the bottle of drink in her one hand and her glass on the other. And I wrote small articles in a local newspaper. That's what I did for 3 months now.
M:wow! That's good news! I'm happy to hear that.
A:Yeah and the first month I tried to find my real parents..
A:My birth mom was a rape victim and she died after giving birth to me. So I don't know my father. That's all I got.
M:Oh, I'm so sorry about your mom. They were not looking at each other. They just look around or the view from the window. Andrea smiled at Miranda and then grab the bottle and pour some more making it full and drink it straight.
A:whoa.. This is kicking me.. Nice... Complimenting the drink. I don't know where to start but you need to know something.
M:alright. I'm listening.
A:I'm so sorry about this but this will set me free and you deserve to know it too....

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