The First Gathering

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The ride feels like a year though it only took them 5 minutes to get there as it was not traffic and the hotel is just near them. A yellow tape welcomed her with Nigel sitting on the ambulance she look around and didn't found Andrea. Her heart beats so fast that she feels her heart is gonna jump out. "Ms. Priestly. I'm the head of the investigation we have already captured the suspect and is to delivered for lock up" "I need to see my Assistant. Where is she?" She said this in a firm but small voice almost shaking. "Madam, she is unconscious when found and she have serious injuries. She's taking first aid at the moment since we can't move her yet." Miranda was starting to feel like her knees became jello. She walk towards Nigel who is having bandages on the head. "oh dear, don't worry. You will be fine." "I'm well Miranda just go to Andrea they didn't allow me to see her". She nodded as she walk fast straight to her suite. She found Andreas puoch open and some of Andreas small pieces of cloth of her black dress. Her heart is getting crazy beating like about to explode. The vase were broken and the whole thing became a mess with blood all over the place specially in her sala the glass table have shattered. She then found the Medical team in her walk way to her bedroom. "Ms Priestly, I'm sorry but i think it is best for you to be out of here". She can't hear what they are saying anymore she saw Andrea's feet. She was caught off guard with the scene. She started to cry. She can't believe this is really happening. She was just with her in the car like 30minutes ago. Andrea was in her bed unconscious with tubes in her mouth a bandage wrap all over her head an oxygen was also connected and her dress were tear apart badly. Her bra is shown already and she have wounds in her arms and legs thats starting to turn violet. Her face have bruised and so is her chest. She can even see a hand print on her reddish cheek. "Is she gonna be alright?" that's all she could manage after seeing her this way. She knelt in front of her didnt mind the brokem pieces of glasses scattered around. She hold Andreas hand with her shaking hand laced their hands and she kissed it. Tears are flowing uncontrollably by the ice queen. She leaned closer to her ears and whispered. Andrea darling, it's me. I'm so sorry i let my guard down and put you to harm. Please fight for me and for your family. You said in the park few nights ago we are family right? Please dont give up. I will wait for you and i will show you the island i promise we'll go there with your runway family. Just please come back to us. We love you Andrea. I love you. " she could feel Andrea moved her finger she look at her face but there was nothing.. The medic got in with stretcher with small oxygen tank and a monitor. "Everything is set. Let's bring her". She watched as the medic carefully moved her and she followed.

Friday Paris- the after party

Miranda woke up with a small knock on her right side of the suite connecting door. It was Andreas room and Nigel was on the left side connecting room the whole suite under Ms. Priestly was a glorious fortress suite of the queen this was designed and customized for her taste. This is where she stays ever since she started working with Runway 20 years ago. The suite has two room the spare room was for the twins and she was also one of the stake holders here. She have managed to make investments in real estate while working in Runway as she see this is a good investment for her daughters. The room was a combination of white and cream which is very relaxing for the editor. She was hesitant to get up she looks at the clock and it was just 5am. She ignored the knock and sleep. Later that day her phone rang it was now quarter to 11. She picked up the cordless phone and sit up resting her back in the head board. "Good morning mir, it's me Nigel. I hope i didn't wake you up. Just want to update you about him. There was no single sign of him. We have traced him his in beijing. So relax. His not here". Sleepy Nigel hangup and Miranda didn't bother answering she wants to go back to sleep. She was about to fall back when she remember her day starts at 1pm. So she get up went to the bathroom and soaked in the tub with lavender and honey bath bombs and some roses arranged by the room service she after she talks to Nigel. She made herself a cup of brewed coffe in the coffe maker in the bathroom to wake herself and try to knack some good senses. "God when was the last time i have enjoyed living in the moment geez it feels like a billion years ago". She's meditating and enjoying the scented candle when a magazine on the shelf caught her attention. The magazine was about lifestyle and saw that an executive assistant in a firm was featured. She then remembered Andrea. She reach the cordless telephone and connected her call to the next room. "good morning Miranda. Where would you like your breakfast". She could hear her sniffing and shaking voice. She wasn't expecting it. They had a great night just hours ago. "No. Come over here in my room after 10 minutes and lets have breakfast here i have something to discuss with you." Miranda said in a calm manner. "okay. Miranda". She hung up. Miranda continued her relaxation bath and didn't notice the time. She heard a knock on the connecting room. Andrea let herself in when she found out it was open. Miranda was now in her robe. "Meet me at the office and have the breakfast settled there". Andreas eyes were so red and her eyebags is really dark like she's a panda now. She's in a robe and wearing silk pajamas. Miranda wear her favorite skintone lingerie for gowns as she will be attending 2 gatherings. And a lacy satin dress on top of it with the pair robe of it. She puts a small lip gloss and brush her hair and went to to the office. "what's going on Andrea?" Andrea was pulling herself together. "it's my baby.... His.. Gone.. His gone forever Miranda". Miranda didn't expect it. She walks toward her and hug Andy. "oh, poor you. Im so sorry. I have no idea you have a child". Miranda was trying to soothe Andrea who's now sobbing. She heard a knock on the door. "im gonna get it". The room service came and she just let him put the set on the doorway so she can go back to andy. But decided to go to the left side of the suite and go to Nigel who was standing there with robe and an envelope. "thank God you're awake. Come here. Faster i dont know what to do with her. She lost her baby". Miranda said grabbing Nigel who was half asleep walking with her. They got back to Andy who was still crying. "Six, what happened?" andrea cried harder and hug Nigel which Miranda thinks of herself that Andy must just be lonely last night and it was just nothing so she decided to set the breakfast at the sala. Living Andy and Nigel in the office. She didn't bother hearing what they will talk about. After miranda prepared everything she knock on the door frame of the office and found a calm Andy still holding Nigel. "Come on you two. Let's have some breakfast". The breakfast was silent Andy just drink some coffee and was looking at an empty space. Nigel decided to break the silence. "hey six, why don't we go down to the pet store here i know. I have bought a Persian cat here before for Miranda". Miranda was surprised with the idea but also made her a bit sad, that cat she name Lucas died 2 years ago. She raised one of her brow and look straight at Nigel but Andrea finally answered. "Miranda im sorry by the way. His my baby and his like a child to me. His name is kent. I have him after i broke up with nate. I found him on the streets". There was no more tears or emotion now on Andy she just said this straight and plain. "his been my everything.... I feel like im lost again... Nate took him that's what my doorman says. He went there and found Kent. He tried to touch him and Kent runaway causing it... To.. Causing him.. to be hit by a car". Miranda took a deep breath and decided to give Andrea a break for the day. "Andrea why dont you just stay here for the day. You need to rest and besides.. She was cut off by andy. "no Miranda. I dont want to stay here all day and grieve. I know Kent will understand and my doorman already made all the arrangements. Dough will take care of the expenses til i get back". Miranda simply nod and walk straight to her bedroom as she hears her phone ringing. "excuse me. I'm sorry for your loss Andrea. Make sure to eat Andrea i don't want you to be sick. You know how important this travel is. I want you healthy. I'll meet you here at half past 12noon." they both nodded.
Miranda was finishing up her light make up for the events looking at the mirror. She was wearing a full prada, a black suit with her lacy floral see through shirt that was open on front showing her long sexy neck and the six inches high heel stiletto with her black diamond stud earrings. She grab her prada pouch and check her things. She saw the earrings she wear last night on the stroll and their small private party. She was smiling until her smile fades when she remembered Andrea crying on Nigel. What are you jealous at? That was just a one night stand. And she's just playing. She's not into you. And geez you're her boss. Stop being so pathetic Miranda Priestly. It means nothing and she's inlove with someone else remember. She heard that knocking sound again on the rightside of the suite. Why would she even knock when she knows the code? She put the earings on the safe and locked it. She always has this safe for her personal and important belongings she dont want others would see even the room services. She's just too private about her things and feelings she dont want any intruder in her life. She walks out of her room after making sure she has all set. She was surprised to see the energetic and sweet Andrea again she thought she would not see for the day. Andrea was wearing a full Jimmy choo, a plain white suit . Wearing a six inches stilettos and a white purse. Her hair was brushed up and and her make up was light except for her scarlet glossy lips. Nigel was wearing a black and white abstract tux with a white under shirt and a bow tie. Miranda raised her eyebrow scrutinizing each of them. They were both silent and drinking a tea she could tell it's the green tea she have earlier. Andrea was leaning her head on Nigels shoulder while his hands are tapping her arm. "lets go." Miranda walk passed the two after saying this without even waiting for their responses and not even glancing at her shoulder. They could tell she's the ice queen at the moment. Miranda didn't wait for the two he went down alone on the elevator she's too conscious deep inside that her jealousy might over shadow her. She took deep breathes. Wear her sunglasses and the elevator rings. They all arrived in the lobby. The two were on the opposite elevator. She took her phone and dialed a long time friend thousand mile away making her way to the limo. The two was starting to chitchat miranda didn't took of her glasses off. She's looking at the two and just nodding. She's on the phone with her friend she wish was there. They were close to the four seasons where the small press and selected designers by Miranda will be attending. It was short chit-chat she usually organized to know well about who she will pick just incase. Scrutinizing and examining behaviors and manners and even the personality and mannerisms. Miranda always wants the best and the most professional. She doesn't want lazy chitchats and acquaintances for her it was a waste of her time. Andrea was making notes of the names she whispers in her small cold voice. She might be smiling the whole time but her tone was freezing on her. They made their way out of the small gathering at 2:30pm for the gala that evening that will start at 6pm. Miranda is always an early bird and everyone in the guest knows that being late is the worst thing to make in the presence of Ms. Priestly herself. They got back at the hotel quarter to 2:45. Miranda is feeling too jealous and lonely she felt so lost that she never say a word or a single move to express whats in her mind. She's unreadable to the two. They stopped at her door suite and she says "I might be late for tonight. I'll see you around in gala." she then shut the door and started crying. She make sure to locked the doors on the connecting door and made sure whe wont be disturb by putting the note on each door. The two weren't even inside there room when she put notes and lock doors which gives her more thoughts of her crazy jealous imagination.
She took off all her clothes and went to the bath tub crying silently. She grab her phone and turn on the music.

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