The Hospital

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Miranda was sitting in the chair next to Andrea. It's been 12 hours and there's no sign of her to be awake. She was talking to her though she's not sure if she could hear her. Trying to talk about how she appreciates her ethics and hardwork for Miranda.
"You are incredibly talented and very optimistic. You are outstanding above all the assistance i ever have. You always manage to keep the equilibrium well but please. Can you just wake up now Andrea. Please. I know what I will say is crazy but I miss you and seeing like this is breaking my heart. Please wake up darling." She stood and kissed her assistants forehead. She was alone in the room with her. They have unfinished business to talk about in the party.
Few minutes passed by and Miranda fall asleep holding Andrea's hand while she rest in the chair. The Runway Family came and was not surprised to the editor. They all have insisted themselves to watched Andrea but Miranda do not want to leave her or let out his sight of her. She appreciates them all and was very opposite to the editor in chief.
Andrea was airlifted back to New York after the investigation results that Miranda's instincts were right. Way back 5 years ago he had met this psychopath that approached her as a new designer and investor of Runway Paris. He was delusional and was very obsessed to Miranda Priestly. He had tried to abduct her 2 times. But managed to escape leaving the great Miranda Priestly with all the trauma and fear for her family's safety. She had never expected the expense it would cost to her Assistant Andrea. His name was Zandro. He was a businessman. A mafia leader. And he was extremely dangerous and powerful. There have been agreement that when Miranda is around he must not be in same country as her. Miranda's exhusband James was able to reach out a friend of friend to help out her ex-wife and rescue her from Zandro.

Emily took the blanket from the cabinet and and cleared the small table and placed it in front of Miranda. She then hang Miranda's legs on the table took off the shoes and place the blanket to cover up to her chest. She realized Miranda's hands never let go of Andrea she put a pillow under it so she wont havs cramps. After they place and settled they were actively on watch of the two. They try to make their works online but after an hour they all need to go back to the office. The rest of them left except Emily. Nigel was a little bit injured but was officer in-charge of the moment though he always ask Miranda about almost everything before deciding. It's already 4:30pm which means and Miranda is still sleeping. Emily noticed the editor move her legs every then and now so she move forward with her chair and gave the editor a few massage to ease her pain. She could see in Miranda's face a bit relaxed she was happy to be able to help in the least way she can. Emily and Andrea were like already best friends outside work they have been like a family. There were bruises unhidden in her arms and face and they are getting more worst. She was teary eyed until a knock broke the silence. She went quick to answer it though there were guards outside the room. It was a nurse and Stephen just got to the door step. "They are sleeping let's be quiet as much as possible, please. They both need rest." The nurse was about to go out of the room when the monitor starts to sound loud and fast.. It was Andrea heart monitor. The nurse quickly pushed the button and ask for the doctor. Andrea started to move and there were tears in her eyes. Miranda was already wide awake and was holding tight still on Andrea. The doctor came with other nurses as they were guided away from the patient. Andrea started opening her eyes the doctor tried to talk to her and search for some response in her eyes. She was getting hysterical and the doctor tried to sedate her but Miranda stopped the doctor. "No! Wait! I'll try to calm her down... Andrea darling. It's me Miranda. Look at me in the eye. Take deep breath with me.. 1..2..3..4.. That's it Andrea.. 1..2..3..4.. Andrea was trying to talk to Miranda but she has hose and oxygen in her mouth. Please calm down. Im jere safe and sound because of you. Were safe now. We're in New York. Emily is here with me. Everything is okay. You are safe. We are all safe. There are guards outside and will watch 24/7.please calm down." Emily went in with Miranda. And they were all smiling and crying. After few hours of double checking Andrea the doctor decided to take off the hose and oxygen.

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