Tattooed On My Mind

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Andrea was alone in the bathroom. She sits on the chair prepared by Miranda. She took off the scrubs and saw her body. Tears started falling as she examined herself. From the judgements of the bruises she already understood that she's been raped. And the pain is unimaginable as she cants remember a thing from the incident. How did I end up this way? What happened to me? MOM! DAD! she turn on the shower and started crying a bit harder. She decided to take a shower as she gently scratch her skin and until it gets harder as she felt dirty. She saw the tattoo wounds. She took off the bandages and gasped in pain and she bumped her head on the wall and suddenly memories came rashing through fast forward. It was the day she got tattoo.. Her anniversary of being employed in Runway as Miranda's assistant. She was so madly and deeply inlove with HER! MIRANDA! all the memories started crashing in.. The parties they had attended. Runthroughs, gala, conference, travel and party... PARIS! She remembered it all out of nowhere. Oh God! How long has it been since I'm here? Zandro.. Zandro might find Miranda and kill us.. She looks at the wound in her skin from the tattoo that was carved out but the monster. He traced her hand along it and starts talking to herself nothing can harm you baby. I will protect you til my last breath. I will fight for as long as I can. I will be here for you but for now I need to stay this way so I can make sure you're safe.

Miranda noticed Andrea was silent and all she could hear was the shower. She went to the door and knock to check on her. Andrea, are you alright in there? Emily woke up and frantic to see the empty bed. Emily she's fine. She's in here. Pointing the bathroom door. Andrea? Do you need help? There was only silence and nothing else she starts to worry.. I'm fine. I'll be out in a minute. Andrea finally answered and so they waited. They noticed theres a bit changed in her aura but they decided to keep silent.

Andrea sits on her bed and feeling pain in her sensitive areas but she tries to ignore it. She was holding her phone and looking at the thread of messages. She was silent and trying to internalize everything. She sometimes took a small glance to Miranda who was still on couch as sleep with her glasses on. While Emily went down to the pharmacy to buy cream for her bruises. She took a shot of the sleeping Miranda but the there was a shutter sound and flash causing Miranda to stir a little but continued sleeping. I have this weird feeling and urgency that I wish I could hold you and tell the world out loud how I am feeling for you but a part of me will always choose what's best for you. It's better we stay this way for now so I can protect you. She browse her phone files and went to her hidden folder in her files where she stores all the photos and small videos she takes from the dragon lady. She looks at those photos and most of them she sends on ths private email of Miranda.

Emily came back noticed like she's with her sister Andrea as she observed every gesture she makes. She was smiling while looking through the magazine she's holding. She grab her phone and took photo of Andrea and then she went over to the closet and grab some blanket for Miranda. "Do you want to drink or eat something?" Andrea was just shake her head and decided to rest.

It was 11pm when they all sleeps and Andrea woke up again and went to the bathroom with her phone. She checked her body again and put the ointment. It was hard in some part since she's not fully recovered but she wants to do it herself. She's ashamed of her body and being raped. That monster has put so much damage on her.

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