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8 days after the tragic twist and turns event and Andrea was in bed sleeping in Miranda's town house. She's staying with Emily in one of the guests room as ordered by Miranda for security reasons. Miranda's getting busier than ever making legal arrangements for her family's safety which includes the Runway Family and Maximilian. The magazine is close to set date of production and everything was managed to be settled despite the hell situation they all undergo. James Miranda's ex-husband spends some time in the town house or even took late for them to go home as they held up meetings to make sure Zandro can't escape this time. The kids are doing home school as Miranda and James doesn't want to put study on hold. Andrea was still pretending that she doesn't remember anything and she has changed as she became very silent and aloft. She don't go out on her room. Doesn't talk to anyone. She only reads books but mostly she just stares at a blankspace when she's outside the garden or rooftops. Emily is determined that her thoughts of Andrea not losing memory is real as they spent time together most of the time. And she had witnessed every nightmare her bff has. Her shout, her cry, her weird and being so jumpy. And sometimes she shouts to Emily when she's lost in her thoughts thinking it's the monster.

It's Friday morning and Miranda's alarm rings. It's 4:45am and she grabs her reading glass on the side table and took a journal at the secret back side as she starts writing. She turned on the music as she was the only one staying in 2nd floor and her room is designed sound proof. She's been writing on journal for 3 years now. Most of the older books are in on her safe box in the bank. After writing she did short exercise and started preparing for the day. She was singing along with her music playlist while selecting what to wear. She grab a pair of black and white turtle neck sleeveless dress that wraps her curves and shows her legs as it falls upto her knees. Accented with gucci chained belt and a simple Tiffany diamond necklace that has a customized cerulean swan pendant she had designed and requested it to keep private. She wears the necklace every Friday shown or hidden from what she wears. It's like she feels naked when she can't wear it on Friday. She took JC YOUTH boots put on a black coat. She puts on her natural and lite make up. Her empty stomach starts to feel hungry so she decided to go to the kitchen and read her itinerary through the iPad.

Lookout mog, the fields are full of fire!
If we don't hit the road we're gonna burn
And maybe I will never love another
But if I never try I can't be sure

And you'll always remind me
Of all things good
Yeah you'll always remind me
Of all things good

Late last night I wandered throught the graveyard
Searching for the one that got away
We swore that we would always be together
But in the end we went our separate ways

Emily wasn't able to go back to sleep after Andrea got bad dreams again she decided to make some tea. She's getting disturbed and concerned with her thoughts to Andreas pretention of not knowing them. She was checking emails when a reminder popped on her screen. Second year celebration with my siztah!🎉💕🎂 Small tears came on her eyes as she started to remember them being closed as they promised to be on each others side no matter what in "worst to best you will always be my siztah!" and they locked their promise with a pinky swear followed by cheek to cheek and hugs. She browse the gallery and view the titled album "My S! 💕" photos and videos started rolling as this album is just the two of them.
And then she started talking to herself. Oh! Siz! I missed you! Don't you think were so cute here?.. I love that too! But I'd be happier if that all pretending ends. I know.. I can feel it... Please come back to us.. I'm tired of seeing you struggling in pain and sorrow.. I hope you know that i keep my promise. I'm here for you. Im still here. Always here for you.. Just please come back and let go whatever is holding you back in there. Were waiting for you. Miranda, Nigel, Serena and Jocelyn and Roy and the sweetest twins in the world. You said they were your favorite and you're their number one fan though you know we can't win the title in their mom.. Come on you bloody cow! Stop torturing as all!!"

-Hi everyone! I hope you are physically and emotionally healthy! Thank you for the votes and those who followed this account. I'm too disappointed and discouraged at the moment but I hope this update gives you relief as how it is to me.

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