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The four of them are seated in the limo. Andrea was reviewing her notes in her small notepad. Nigel grab a champagne on the limo and got 4 glasses. "lets make a toast for our first gathering. No crazy papz. No annoying Priestley fans. No reporters interview. Just fine and fancy small talks and happiness." they all agreed and raised their glasses. "to the first gathering." they drink their wine and smile at each other. "Can we have a few joyride please?" miranda smiled at the young man and pushed the button to the privacy screen. "can we have a few turns in the park and the stops at Eiffel tower?" the driver nodded in response as she turn on the privacy screen again. The driver hit the road slowly as he already understood Miranda. He was always the driver on the chosen cars for the editor in most of her stay in Paris. Maximo rest his head on Miranda and the editor is stroking his hair. They were in bench thats near the tower. The chill of the city and the atmosphere of peace was filling the air. They were all silent just staring at the view. They have one driver and one body guard on the next bench and one team of body guard on the suv that escorts them around parking next to the limo and was monitoring. They were having small talks of getting to know each other specially Andy who's first time to met Maximo and was looking at the young man head to foot like every now and then. Miranda noticed it but didn't mind as lomg as Maxy didn't feel uncomfortable. Andrea and Maximo had the same favorite coffee, color, style and both loves beach. Nigel grab his phone and turn on a very familiar music. As it started he pull Andrea to dance thay are obviously drunk and Andrea stood up.
Wouldn't it be nice if we were older
Then we wouldn't have to wait so long?
And wouldn't it be nice to live together
In the kind of world where we belong?

They started to dance but Andrea suddenly paused and look at Maximo straight in the eye with a questioning look then she looks at the editor the same way.

You know it's gonna make it that much better
When we can say goodnight and stay together

She stretched her arms and ask us to join with her puffy eyes and pouting lips. The two shook their head but Andrea let go of her hold in Nigel and grab Miranda's soft hand and pull her to hug.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up
In the morning when the day is new?
And after having spent the day together
Hold each other close the whole night through?

The assistant then whispered in asmall voice with a smile on her face. This is one of the most extraordinary days in my life and I am genuinely happy don't be silly please. Just for this one moment live for the moment for your assistant. "

Happy times together we've been spending
I wish that every kiss was never ending
Oh, wouldn't it be nice?

Miranda was shocked and giggled she's blushing but she don't want to let down her guard again she paused and grab Maximo to them and Nigel joined. They all dance to the music lively with great joy filling the air.

Maybe if we think and wish and hope and pray
It might come true (run run ooo)
Baby, then there wouldn't be a single thing we couldn't do
We could be married (we could be married)
And then we'd be happy (and then we'd be happy)
Oh, wouldn't it be nice?

You know it seems the more we talk about it
It only makes it worse to live without it
But let's talk about it
Oh, wouldn't it be nice?

Good night, oh baby
Sleep tight, oh baby
Good night, oh baby
Sleep tight, oh baby

The editor looked at her wat hed and realized that her night time with the twins is in less than hour. She then decided they need to rest. "come on. Let's get some rest we have meetings tomorrow." they all stood up til Nigel got an idea he grab his iphone and took some photo of the four of them. "Lets have some souvenir. This is one of the most busiest yet relaxing Paris travel I ever have with you." pointing at Miranda they pull closer to each other and snapped some photo with the tower. They even made solo shots where Maximo captured. After their classy and fun photoshoot they finally decided to hit the road again."It was so fun meeting and getting to know each other specially you Andy. Nigel your still such a womanizer huh." they all look at each other and laughed. "were are you staying by the way Maxy darling." Max was checking his phone "Mirandy, I'm in your hotel actually. I just know it when i arrived my secretary Jessy made the arrangements. Im on 7th floor south". they looked at each other and the editor started to talk. "Wow! What a coincidence darling. I'm at the North same floor."  Maxy noticed that Andrea and Nigel were exchanging eye contacts and busy with their phones obviously texting each other. "Well, we know you own the new exclusive suite.  Like half the whole floor. What about you two?". The two sounds like they didn't hear him. "Well, i think it's their group chat with the runway family. They've been acting weird lately." they stayed silent as Andrea and Nigel keep getting busy.

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