Chapter Three

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Although quiet at first, Mr. Solo still seemed to be cordial and kind. He didn’t seem to care that you had mistaken him for his agent, but in your defense you didn’t know what Hux looked like. The thought made you feel a bit better, but when you remembered that you had done next to no research on Mr. Ren you felt just as bad. You looked at him through your peripheral vision, trying to figure out if he was judging you or not, or if he had already decided not to hire you. The celebrity industry was so cut throat, so difficult to get into, that by the time you were sitting in the car next to Mr. Ren, you were nearly desperate to be accepted for the position. He, however, looked forward on the road the entire time, not saying anything until he had pulled out of the hotel parking lot.

“Did you have an easy time getting into the city?” He asked. You looked ahead again, at the colorful cars that whizzed by on the main road. The fact that he was being so calm and trying to kick up a conversation put you at ease.

“Yeah, it was alright.” You responded. He didn’t say anything at first and the atmosphere grew awkward yet again. It made you grateful to know that the cafe was only four minutes away, because you didn’t think you could stand being in a car in the quiet like this with a stranger.

“Where did you say you come from again?” He asked seemingly out of the blue.

“Franklin,” You said back to him as he began to slow at a yellow light. “Just outside of Nashville.”

“Not too far away, then,” He retorted. As the car came to a stop he ran his hand up his arm and you couldn’t help but to stare. His hand spread over his Rolex watch and encompassed it to the point where you couldn’t see it. His arms were so thick and muscular, and his hands were just as massive. Not to mention that once he placed his hand back on the wheel you got to see the sparkly diamond that was mounted at the 12 position on his watch. It must have cost a fortune. “What is it, like five, six hours?” 

“Yeah, just about five.” You affirmed him as the light once again flashed green. You noticed lights seemed to last a lot shorter here in Atlanta than they did back at home. He nodded his head at you uninterestedly, and you turned back to the road. To your right you could see the welcome sign for the diner, and you were instantly relieved. At least in the next few moments the small talk would disappear and you would get down to the actual interview. You sat quietly as he pulled the car into the parking lot, parked at a spot that was just feet away from the front door. You had just unbuckled yourself when he quietly spoke up beside you:

“I’ll get the door for you.” He said, and your cheeks began to warm into a most embarrassing blush. You couldn’t even remember the last time someone had been so courteous to you, and this man was a complete stranger. Your eyes were glued to him as he walked so nonchalantly around his car, up to your door and opened it for you. He looked up above the roof of his car as if he wasn’t interested in you or how carefully you were making your way out of his car. Your dress was on the shorter side, so you held your knees tightly together as you stood to your full height.

“Thanks.” You said to him quietly.

“Let’s head on in, then.” He said back to you. You followed him up the curb and to the building, and you smiled at him once again as he held the glass door open for you. Once you entered the diner it felt as if you had entered an entirely new world.

The diner was incredibly dark, with bright neon lights that lit up most of the small space. Along the walls under the booths were wall mounted lights, and along one side of the wall were mounted mirrors. A short set of stairs opened up to an even bigger dining room on the lower level with full sized tables, and the section was, again, mostly illuminated by the bright red and blue lights that hung on the ceiling. Neon signs flashed on the wall high above the seats, advertising omelettes and steaks, reflecting bright blue light from in the mirrors across from them. Not only this, but a large portion of the diner was occupied by a long bar. The atmosphere was very casual; you could hardly believe that this was the place selected for your interview.

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