Chapter Seventeen

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You watched as Kylo stepped fully into your home and your mother shut the door behind him, seemingly glued to the floor as you didn't know how to react. Should you run for your bedroom and pretend like you hadn't seen him? Confront him? Tell him to leave? You thought you had made it clear to your mother that you didn't blame Kylo at all, which is probably why she was being so hospitable and letting him into your home. But that didn't mean you wanted to talk to him just the morning after everything went down! You were both shocked and relieved to see him here, but you still had one burning question in your mind:


Why had Kylo driven all the way out here to your home to see you? Had he told Hannah what had happened between the two of you and Hannah came clean, now he's here because he had nowhere else to go? He seemed much too calm for that. Maybe he really was just checking up on you. Maybe he really was concerned about you?

"Let me just go get her. I'm sure she'll be thrilled to know that you're here," Your mother said. Within seconds you heard her footsteps come creaking up the wooden stairs. You should have made a run for the bedroom, pretended like you had no idea what was going on but you couldn't move. You watched as your mother rounded the corner, her face morphing from delight to gentle surprise as she saw you standing around there in front of her. "Oh, you're awake!" She exclaimed. Just like with you Kylo's presence put her in a great mood, but you still were left unable to know how to react.

"Why is he here?" You jumped straight into the deep end with your unsettled questions, unwilling to beat around the bush with good mornings or any other happy sentiments.

"Oh, you saw him," Your mother said with a giggle. She tossed a pleased look down the stairs and you were left wondering what Kylo had done to charm her so well. "That is your boss, right? Ben Solo?" She asked far too loud for your comfort. You shushed her, hoping Kylo wouldn't have heard her from the top of the stairs. Your mother whispered a quiet sorry, but the giddiness still did not fall from her face.

"Yeah, that's him. Just, why is he here?" You asked again, this time the smile faded from your mother's face as she dove into her explanation.

"He showed up maybe five minutes ago saying you had just disappeared and he couldn't get in contact with you. He thought maybe something bad had happened and wanted to make sure you were okay," She explained, and you couldn't deny that it was reasonable. When you stepped back and looked at what did happen last night you could see how Kylo would worry, and if this were the truth you felt it was noble of him to come looking for you. The only part that had you so shaken was the fact that he was here. In your home, charming your parents as he did you. He had really come all the way out here to check on you. You couldn't keep the bewilderment off of your face. "I'm sorry, baby. Should I tell him to leave?" Your mother questioned you. You really had no immediate answer for this, and instead took to simply staring down at the floor in front of you. He had driven all the way out here, and in the end you still felt like it was admirable of him to put in this much of his time and effort to come out and make sure you were okay. He could have been at a table read, or auditioning for new roles. But instead he came looking for you because he was worried about you. You might not have wanted to talk to him in that moment, but he deserved to see that you were well.

"No, it's fine, mom," You whispered as you stepped past her and started down the steps. Your mother was right behind you as you sought out Kylo's presence. The further down you went the more you were able to see into your living room, and it didn't take long before you were staring at the profile of the man you admired so much. The man that was concerned about your disappearance. The man that had sacrificed his personal time to drive out here to make sure you were okay. You shut your eyes for a moment, soaking him in and coming to terms with the fact that he was here and he was real. You opened your eyes just in time to see him turn his head toward you. From what little you could see past him it would seem he was sitting on the couch talking to your father, but when he saw you he stood up. His warm, forgiving smile shone bright through your muted living room, and you could say that you were putty in his hands. You couldn't believe you had missed him this much, didn't want to believe that you could have missed him this much. You had kissed him. He was angry at you.

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