Chapter Nine

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"So, you're a recent college grad. I've never been to college a day in my life. Tell me about your experience as a freshman?" Kylo had driven you the entire ten minute drive over to Piedmont Park, walked you into the grassy green areas and was now showing you around. The park was exactly what you needed. Open, breezy air. Bright, cloudless blue skies with the sun warming every inch of your visible skin. The people around you were happy as they walked the paths just like you, laughing and playing with one another or staying quietly to themselves with earbuds in their ears. Some were joggers, some were bikers, and some simply sat on towels to observe what was going on around them. It was so peaceful, and you were enjoying yourself so much that you almost forgot that Kylo had even asked you something to begin with.

"I really don't know," You faltered. Taking in a deep breath of the fresh air around you, you sifted through your memories of your college experience. There were parties every few months that you decided to venture out into. Late nights cramming for math exams. Cheap college food that probably had zero nutritional value. But was that even what Kylo was looking for? You took a look over to your right, past Kylo's chest and over at a mother and father helping an infant walk across the fields. Not too far away was another family throwing a frisbee for a tall, thin dalmation. You wanted to help him, but you needed more information. "Do you know if your character is staying in a dorm or not?" He sucked his teeth in response, pushed the corner of his lips to his ear as if he were thinking carefully on his answer.

"A lot of it has to be kept secret, but yes, most of the movie takes place on a college campus," He said. It was a shock to hear it had to be kept secret, although you should have known from the start. All film projects are always better kept secret. "But the main character breaks up with him at the beginning of the movie, and he fights to get her back. I just wanted to brush up on my college knowledge, you know?" He shrugged as he shoved his hands further into his pockets.

"Oh, yeah. I admire you for that, looking into your roles and all that," You said. The warm October air caressed your face, and you looked up at him with a smile. You really did applaud him for his dedication to his chosen career. One day, you wanted to be as loyal to your craft as he was to his. "It makes the characters a lot more fleshed out when the actor takes the portrayal to that kind of level." You could see his cheeks beginning to redden. Clearly you had struck a chord within him, and you were happy to have flattered him.

"Well, it's what pays the bills," He looked down with a look of content. "I figure if I want to seriously be considered I have to take the role as seriously as I can. Other people just waltz right into the auditions with nothing. I want to be the guy that walks in confident knowing exactly how a college student would act. So, any advice you could give me would be wonderful." The two of you shared a giggle, a sense of understanding. That's exactly how you interviewed for every job you applied for, and yet you never got any of them. Except for Kylo's job, of course, but apparently you had been the only one to apply for that one. The two of you continued to walk down the path until you had come to a small round peninsula, and Kylo placed his hand on your shoulders to steer you towards it.

"This is one of my favorite sitting spots," He explained as he lightly pushed you to your left. It was rounded off with iron gates that looked over a massive lake. On the horizon were many of Atlanta's tallest buildings that jutted out behind many yellowing trees. Along the concrete path were several small benches, and the ones Kylo led you to were right up against the rails, facing the lake. "Here, have a seat, then you can tell me all about your experiences." He stepped aside and held his arm up for you, and you stepped in front of him with no hesitation.

You started from the beginning. How scary it was for you to be on your own even though all of your needs would still be met. You didn't think anything of the expenses at the time because you wouldn't have to pay out of pocket, just later on down the line when your student debt would crush you. Your roommate was normal, although you had your fears that you would have gotten someone who was evil or wanted to hurt or humiliate you somehow. Your classes were easy; you were only taking intro level courses. The food was terrible, the late night parties were fun and daunting at the same time, and overall, your freshmen year of college was a fond time to look back on. As Kylo would reflect on the information you gave him and think of more questions you would stare out into the deep blue water, at the bright sun that reflected off the sides of the buildings, and at the trees that would sway in the wind. It felt like everything was right in your world, and it was only made better when Kylo piped up with a generous offer:

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