Chapter Twenty Six

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I think here is when I have to say I'm not familiar with the divorce process so some parts of the story from here on out may not be accurate. I apologize in advance!

The Fulton County courthouse was only a fifteen minute drive away, and even though the two of you had arrived just before open it was still packed. It was huge, took you twenty minutes to find the right section and even then Kylo had to take a ticket and wait to be called. There were several clerks at the window helping people, and yet it felt like the two of you waited an eternity to be called. When he was finally called you patted him on the knee and politely told him you'd wait right here. The glass panels that set each clerk apart were only so big, and a quick look over your shoulder revealed that there was only one seat available per booth. As badly as you wanted to sit on his lap through the process, you didn't think that would be very professional.

So you watched as Kylo slunk past all the other people waiting to be called, up to counter number ten where he sat and took yet another eternity to come back. Every few minutes you'd crane your neck and make sure everything was fine, and each time you saw him with his head tucked down and his hand hard at work filling paperwork out. You were antsy, had no idea the first part of divorce would take so long. By the time he had wandered back over to you it was already ten AM. You had been here for an hour and half, and Kylo looked just as beat as you expected him to.

"First part's taken care of," He said as the two of you wandered through the hallways of the courthouse. Even though it was so late in the morning it was so packed. You couldn't wait to get out of here.

"Good. What's next?" You inquired.

"They told me next I have to serve Hannah the paperwork," He said. You noticed his optimism was beginning to face as time went on.

"Oh?" You breathed. "How does that work?"

"I filled this complaint and had to get a second copy for her. I had the option of having the sheriff serve her or doing it through a lawyer," He started, to which you were a little confused. It was only yesterday that Kylo had sought the guidance of a therapist and today he was filing the paperwork. The last time you checked he hadn't contacted a lawyer, so that must have meant he was doing it through the sheriff.

"How much money is that going to cost?" You asked, just out of curiosity.

"It was cheaper doing it through a lawyer," He responded.

"But, do you have a lawyer?" You pried. This was sounding more and more dangerous as it went on.

"Hell no," He answered honestly as the two of you pushed the doors to the courthouse open and stepped outside. "But, that's on my list of things to ask Dr. Yelven about next week." You nodded your head, satisfied with the reasoning. It didn't matter when it happened, just that it happened. By all means, Kylo getting another session of therapy in before moving forward sounded like a great idea to you.

Another week went by. Another week filled with sleepovers, daytime trips out of the house to fancy restaurants, parks, walking trails, and so on. Kylo spent all but two days with you in your home, and those were two days Hannah insisted he be home to help her with the baby. He said the entire time he was home Hannah barely said anything to him, and when she did he brushed her off entirely. He wasn't shy in saying it was difficult for him, but every time he felt like getting closer to her he'd remember that Sam wasn't his son, and that she was likely running off to Hux's home every day to raise Sam with him instead. It sounded to you like Hannah getting ready to serve Kylo with divorce paperwork could be a possibility, but you didn't try to dwell on it too strongly as you weren't sure if that would make Kylo feel better or worse. What you did know, however, was that as you saw Kylo becoming bolder in his time spent with you rather than his wife, Hannah was getting bolder as well.

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