Chapter Twenty Five

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Kylo decided before moving forward in his divorce he'd take your advice and speak with a therapist. Just a few days after your trip to the aquarium Kylo had begun to send you links to different therapists in the area, asking for your input on each person and their practice. There was a Doctor Timothy Yelven in downtown Atlanta who specialized in Divorce Therapy which sounded excellent; especially since every other person he sent you was just a general practicing therapist. You messaged him back and told him you felt he would be the best option, but ultimately you still felt like it was up to him. As far as you knew Hannah was still out of the loop of her impending divorce and would have no say in how Kylo chose to heal. That made you feel so much better. The only thing that made you feel better about Kylo's decision to seek out therapy was the night he came to your house, sat down and ate dinner with you, and told you that he had chosen Doctor Yelven to help him navigate through this harrowing part of his life. You reached across the table and took his hand in yours, smiled lovingly at him and said something that you meant from the bottom of your heart:

"I am so proud of you, Kylo," He stuck a brussel sprout in his mouth as he squeezed your hand back, rubbed his massive thumb across your knuckles in response. Affection. Positivity. Love. Healing. Those were all things Kylo deserved, and all things he was on the road to receiving, if he hadn't already.

You did your best to be a positive influence on him in the days after the gruesome discovery of Sam's paternity. Although he did end up going home sometimes to spend some time with Hannah and Sam, most of his free time was spent with you. Hannah was still going out almost every day to who knows where with Sam, leaving Kylo by himself. So why not spend time with you? The two of you would see movies, go on walks, listen to him rehearse his lines, play video games, swim, stargaze, and so on. If none of those ideas sounded appealing, simply lounging around your apartment together, watching whatever came on the TV and eating whatever food you had on hand worked just as well. Kylo didn't seem to care at all what the two of you did. To him, the only thing he ever needed was just you and your company; you were always happy to offer him that.

In the time leading up to Kylo's first visit to his therapist he had good days and bad. Some days he was normal Kylo. So full of energy, laughter, jokes, and fun. These days you could expect him to want to go out on the town and have a good time. He would make jokes about Hannah and Hux, call them all kinds of colorful names and tell you he couldn't wait to be free from both of them. These days were great, but unfortunately they were not always what you got.

Sometimes he'd come crawling to your home first thing in the morning after spending a night with Hannah and Sam, close to tears about having to watch them leave the next morning knowing they were going to Hux's home. Sometimes all he'd want to do is lay around on your couch and watch TV. Sometimes he'd ask you to hold him in bed while he cried into your shirt. Just like his best days, his worst days didn't happen often. Most days Kylo came to you in a very neutral state of mind. Most of the time he was just an average person coping with the trauma that was losing what he thought would have been his partner for life. He was quiet. He was observant, but overall he was always kind and appreciative of everything you did for him.

On Kylo's first day of therapy you sat in Dr. Yelven's waiting room switching between the same few apps on your phone and admiring the massive fish tank that sat on the opposite side of the room from you. It brought back fond memories of the aquarium, although it was not as grand obviously. The bubbly sounds relaxed you. Having the secretary sitting not too far away made you feel less lonely as you sat there worrying about Kylo. You bounced your legs, bit your lips repeatedly. You weren't even sure why you were so nervous. Perhaps it was because you were just so protective of him. You wanted nothing but the best for him, and your only hope was that this divorce therapist would take care of him better than you could. You lifted your eyes to the secretary who had already been looking at you and smiling; probably wondering if you were Kylo's wife that he was seeking a divorce from. You smiled back at her, looked back down at your lap just as the door beside you flew open. In strut a tall, beautiful looking woman in ten inch heels and a tight fitting dress. She kept her shades on as she walked up to the desk and then began to quietly speak with the receptionist. She must have been the next person to be speaking with Doctor Yelven, which made you feel that much better. People from all walks of life came to visit this man. Surely he must be a good fit for Kylo.

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