Chapter Eighteen

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So, I don't really know what I was thinking when I wrote this chapter. It's so short and I couldn't extend it during the editing process. But it was also too long to add to the last chapter or the next lol. So I'll just post it as a bonus chapter along with the last.


Breakfast brought even more smiles, laughs, and good memories out for you, your family, and Kylo. Kylo ate everything his mother had served him plus two cups of coffee, and he had nothing but praise to give about you and your family.

"You've got amazing cooking skills, you and my wife," He said at first while scarfing down a bite of sausage. "And your daughter? She's amazing. Such a wonderful addition to my team. Thank you so much for letting her come all the way out to Atlanta."

"Ah, well she's our grown little girl. We couldn't really stop her," Your mother said as she took a proud look over at you. You tried to repress a smile as Kylo went on about what you had done for him and Hannah, and the entire time your mother simply fawned over him and his kind words. Clearly she was fond of Kylo. His charm had worked on her just as it worked on you, and you were happy that they were both getting along.

"One day I'd love to have you two over for dinner at my home. The least I could do for everything you've done for me," He offered so graciously. It was true you hadn't shown your parents around Atlanta or your apartment like you wanted to, and dinner with Kylo and your entire family did sound exceptional.

"Well, maybe we can look into that around Christmas time. Does that sound good, Clover?" Your mother asked. Your father still sat silently reading the paper after picking over half of his food, but you knew he would love to see your home at Christmas time.

"It sounds wonderful, mom," You said before finishing off your orange juice. It was a date. Your parents would come see you and Kylo for Christmas time, and you were elated to show them around the city. A few more sentences of small talk later and Kylo announced that he was stuffed, complimenting your mother's cooking again before standing up and stepping away from the table.

"As much as I loved meeting your family, Clo, I think we should probably head back out to Georgia," He said before stretching his arms and rolling his shoulders. "Hannah's texted me and asked when we're gonna get home. Said she's working on a blueberry pie for us when we make it back." You couldn't help but to inwardly cringe at the mention of Hannah, and when you looked up you saw your mother's warm expression had gone stone cold. This was the woman who had given her beloved daughter death threats. Of course your mother was going to be hesitant about her. As badly as you wanted to stay here with Kylo and your parents, you knew you had to go back eventually.

"Of course," You said as you stood from the table along with him. "I need to go make up the mac and cheese for dinner Thursday. I promise I'll be back. If not tomorrow then definitely Thanksgiving day." You reassured your mother, which seemed to light up her attitude once again.

"Yeah, I understand," She said, addressing you by your first name. She walked over to you and wrapped her arms around you, pulled you in and left an emotional kiss upon your forehead in front of Kylo. "At least I know that you're in good hands, baby." You saw her flash her eyes over your shoulder at Kylo who stood behind you. Again, you felt like there was something being thought about Kylo by your mom and dad. They seemed too happy with him, even when they knew he was married. Married to an adulterer, yes, but still married nonetheless. You turned toward Kylo and looked down at the floor, hoping your cheeks weren't blushing as hard as they felt.

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