Chapter Eight

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Sunday morning was bright and sunny, and you woke up at ten AM sharp to the sound of your alarm in a great mood. You didn't want to admit how much you were looking forward to going on a walk with your boss. Getting out into the fresh air with the closest person you considered to be a friend seemed like a good way to get your mind off of your troubles at least for a little while, and you were looking forward to getting to know Kylo better. You could only hope that he was hoping for the same for you too. You jumped into the shower to awaken your senses, readied yourself in a pair of black jeans and a plain red T shirt, then started to head out the door. Having left your new home and come back several times in your first week, you could navigate the halls to the garage without even second guessing yourself. In fact, you flexed this skill that moment, walking to the garage and texting Kylo at the same time:

"I'm on my way to pick up your script. GPS Says it's like 30 min away."

You picked your head up and found that you were standing in front of the stairwell, and it took no time at all to get there. You couldn't help but to be proud of yourself. The tiniest victories that you were accruing during your time in Atlanta kept you going, and you figured that Kylo Ren entrusting you with his script was an even greater victory. You sat down in your car and officially started the GPS. In roughly an hour you'd hand deliver Kylo's script to him and he'd be ever so grateful. It was a wonderful thing to look forward to, and even more exciting was the fact that he would be showing you to one of his favorite spots in the city.

The GPS hadn't lied, and you had arrived at a large office park just on the outskirts of Atlanta after 11 AM. The buildings were short and clustered together, so much so that you couldn't see what was behind them. You pulled into their driveway and were met with a large brass sign that read First Order Production Company, and next to this sign was a gate with an arm that would lift presumably when you got clearance. You pulled your car up as close to the call box as you could get, then pressed the button. It rang until a woman on the other line picked up.

"First Order Production Company, can I help you?" She asked with a hint of cheer in her voice. You cleared your throat and prepared your speech, hoping you didn't sound too suspicious for her to turn you away.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up a script for Mr. Ben Solo," You started, but quickly realized that maybe she didn't know him by his legal name. "Er, sorry, Kylo Ren?" You added quickly. You hoped that would have saved you and fixed the situation, but the uncertainty that came from the speaker right afterword made you nervous.

"Um, he sent someone to pick up his script?" She asked you. You shut your eyelids tight and took a deep breath. You had come way too far to be turned away, so you had to make this right.

"Yeah. I'm his personal shopping assistant. He said all I'd need to do is show my ID." You explained, but yet again there was silence on the other line.

"Oh, okay," She said. You could hear things being shuffled on the other end. "Let me just run this by my supervisor. Give me one second." The line went completely silent, and you could only assume she had placed you on hold. Frustrated, you pulled out your phone and began typing a message to Kylo, letting him know what was going on:

"Just made it to the production company, but they're giving me a hard time getting your script. Sorry."

You hit send and then sat and waited. You were getting annoyed for sure, but lucky for you just a few moments after you messaged your boss the woman came back on the line.

"Hi, we're just gonna send someone out to verify your ID, then you can park and we'll bring the script out to you." She said. Her cheery tone had returned once again, and you felt relieved.

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