Chapter Six

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Over the next few days your mother and father would gush over how proud they were of you. They were so happy to hear that you gave such a thrilling interview that your employers invited you over for dinner. They were sad to see you go, but they wanted to see you off to your new apartment as quickly as possible for you to start working. You had always been thankful for your parent’s generosity, and were especially thankful when they offered to continue paying your phone bill until you knew what was going on with your finances. The great news you got continued to mount over the next few weeks; The Solos had a key made just for you for your new home. They had a key card and a parking pass made up, and Hux was sure to tell the speaker to make sure it said “welcome home, Clover.” The Solos even sent a check written for $500 so that you could do what you needed in order to move. They wanted you to have enough money for moving costs, for grocery shopping, and other odds and ends you may need upon moving into your new apartment. It was almost too exciting, and when the time finally came where you were spending the final night in your childhood bedroom, your mind was going through a wide range of emotions. 

The sadness that engulfed you mixed with fear and nervousness, as being completely on your own was such a scary feeling. Even away at college you had never been completely out from under your parent's thumb. You had confidence that you could take care of yourself on your own, but how were you supposed to fill the void that was your caring parents? There would never be anything like you and your mother’s late night scrabble games where you could get anything off of your chest to her. Nothing like her making you a piping hot bowl of chicken soup when you were sick with a cold. Nothing like getting your father’s advice about what to have auto shops fix about your car, or about what to tell your boss at work when they don’t seem to take you or your ideas seriously. Sure, you had a phone and it would be easy enough to pick it up and get the same advice from your parents, but it wouldn’t be the same. Sitting in bed staring at your alarm clock which read 3 AM, you got the urge to cry thinking about it. You rolled over, frustrated at your lack of sleep and forced your mind to focus on the more exciting details of your move.

You’d have an awesome boss living there next to you. You had three people that were on a fast track of becoming your friends waiting for you, and you had been given such a great set up to start on your own. How many other people could say that their first job in their field gave them free rent and utilities, as well as a fully furnished apartment? How many people could even say that they found a job in their field at all? With a chuckle you remembered how silly Kylo and Armitage had been sitting next to you playing Mario Kart together, how comfortable they all were around the dinner table. It was clear that you were being invited into one big family, and you were ever so grateful for them giving you a chance. You looked forward to shopping for the Solos and being their neighbor, and the thought that finally allowed you to rest was that you knew your parents would always let you come back home if something didn’t work out. You managed to fall asleep and dream of the life that you’d live in Atlanta, and when your alarm finally went off the next morning at 8 AM it was time to make that dream a reality.

You dressed in the moving clothes you had set out the night before: a ruby red shirt and black leggings and got to work on readying yourself to drive back to Atlanta. The previous night your parents had helped you load up your car with the little possessions you felt like you needed to take with you to your new apartment. All of your clothing, books, and other trinkets you felt like you’d need to take with you were all packed up, with the exception of your backpack which housed your laptop and some other important tidbits like chargers and medication you’d want as soon as you got to your new home. After slinging it over your shoulder and tiptoeing as quietly as you could downstairs, you walked into your kitchen and were shocked to find your parents awake and sitting happily at the table. When you walked into the kitchen your mother picked her head up and looked at you, and then got a sudden burst of energy and jumped from the chair over to you.

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