Chapter Twenty-One: Apologies and Butterflies

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“There you go - you’re a butterfly now.”

Anna smiled as she put down her paints, and the young wizard touched the elegant swirls that shaped into a majestic, lavender Eastern tailed blue. He gave her an earnest smile and a loud ‘THANK YOU!’ as he ran off to find his parents.

It wasn’t much, but by humoring the young children that passed through Hogsmeade, she felt that in some small way, she was improving their day - in turn, honoring her foster family’s memory. Evan and Bianca had always enjoyed it when she turned their skin into a masterpiece, and it never failed to make her heart melt when she saw that same innocence in someone else’s eyes.

“Lillian Potter.” Someone drawled.

She looked up and scowled, realizing it was only Malfoy. Anna snapped her paints closed as she began to gather up her brushes. “What are you doing here? Don’t you have somewhere to be - stealing candies from babies for example?”

He only grinned. “At least I’m not pretending to be a saint. I know who I am.”

“So you’re a pale buttock who fancies bothering young teenage girls?”

“I’m just an innocent young man trying to purchase some candies for his close companions - you know, friends?” Malfoy raised an eyebrow. “You know, if you spent less time behind your brushes and canvas, you might have some too.”

“My patience isn’t limitless, Malfoy.” Anna snapped as she shoved the rest of her supplies into her satchel - not even caring if they were neat anymore. “I’m leaving. Enjoy your cavities.”

She began to walk away.

Draco sighed. “Anna, wait.” He bit his tongue. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Then what did you mean?” She turned on him.

“Look,” He wrung his hands awkwardly. “I just came here to say sorry, okay?”

Anna crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow. “For which offense?” Because there were a whole lot of things to say 'sorry' for.

“Everything, I guess.” He pursed his lips. “I..Professor McGonagall told me - about your foster parents, I mean. I...I didn’t know that they passed away.”

“You expect me to believe that?” She scoffed. “Everyone knew.”

“Believe or not, Potter, everyone has a life outside of yours.” Malfoy said, before grimacing at his tone. “I didn’t know, okay? That’s the truth. It’s your choice whether or not to believe it.”

He looked like he wanted to say something else, but he only muttered something under his breath before turning around to walk away.

“Hey! Draco!” Anna called out before she could stop herself. He turned around, piercing her with his silver eyes. “Thank you.” She said quietly.

It was only two words, but it was like they had brought down that wall that made them enemies, and Draco nodded before continuing to walk away - leaving Anna behind with a heart full of hope.

Because if Draco Malfoy of all people could step down from his pedestal and do the right thing, so could anyone.

- - -

The cup seemed to intimidate her as she stared at it from her bed - shining brightly in the moonlight of the windowsill.

It was about midnight - when no one else was sure to notice Anna’s absence - and she had followed Moody’s instructions, diluting the starglass granules with hot water, creating a substance that smelled so awfully familiar - not a real scent, but a smell that reminded her more of a memory of a time that made her feel warm, and loved, and safe.

But what about what Professor Moody said about the granule overuse? Her conscience nagged at her. If you die, you take everyone’s only chance of defeating Voldemort if he should ever rise again.

But how could such a thing that made her feel so complete and cherished, ever hurt her?

Well - one time couldn’t hurt, right?

And with that, she downed the glass.

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