Chapter Thirty-Four: Catch Me If I Fall

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Anna couldn’t honestly recall the last time she wore a skirt.

She had never been overly beautiful, so she supposed she had just given up trying altogether.

But now, standing in front of her mirror with the dress she had been neglecting for the past few months, she wondered why she hadn’t invested in them sooner.

The dress was long - constructed of viridian velvet, flowing down to her ankles with short intricate lace sleeves the color of gold and a matching lace collar - clasped together with some sort of glassy silver gem.

Anna played with the twin pearl tassels at her waist as she slowly turned to face Ginny and Hermione - a nervous grin playing upon her lips. “So? What do you guys think?”

 “What do we think?” Ginny deadpanned. “You look drop-dead gorgeous!” She squealed. “Just wait until Cedric sees you!”

She chuckled dryly. “Wait until Harry sees you dancing with Neville. He may not know it yet, but he’s already infatuated with you.”

“I’m pretty sure he’s crushing on Cho.” Ginny informed her. “Too bad she said she’s ‘saving herself’ - whatever that means. I heard a lot of other guys asked her too, but she said she’s going by herself.”

“I wonder why she didn’t just go with one of them. I mean, I can admire that she didn’t think she needed a guy to come with her though.” Hermione said thoughtfully as she finished pinning up her hair, causing Anna to pat her own hair self consciously - making sure the crystal combs Ginny had helped her put in stayed in.  

“Speaking of boys, how is your Drumstrang friend?” Ginny asked slyly.

Hermione’s face burned 5 different shades of red.

“He’s fine, I guess. Really nice, and polite. Unlike some improper fools.” She huffed, and Anna bit back a smirk. She had heard all about the little mishap the 3 of them had shared - Ron trying to set himself up with Hermione and Harry with Ginny. She swore, if Ron wasn’t like a brother, she probably would’ve throttled the boy from his obliviousness herself.

At least she acknowledged her hidden feelings - though it was more bittersweet than she’d have liked.

Anna had promised herself that by continually working on her relationship and choosing Cedric, it wasn’t doing wrong by him. Though it didn’t make her any less guilty whenever she hung out with Draco and their skin accidentally touched, or when she found herself staring into his eyes a bit too long for ‘just friends’.

Not to mention she knew he fully understood her feelings, and Anna was sure half the time they shared an awkward moment of closeness, he was teasing her the entire time. Draco had many talents, but restraint was not one of them.

“Well, we should probably all get going now - Anna and I especially since we have to walk in with Cedric and Viktor.”

Anna nodded absent-mindedly, stumbling slightly in her silk slippers. She prayed that the others didn’t notice she had no heels, though from the looks of them, they seemed too distracted to really pay attention to her own troubles.

Not that she didn’t understand. All 3 of them weren’t going with the people they really wanted to go with.

But she had chosen Cedric anyway, because she promised she would do right by him.

“Guys - promise you'll catch me if I fall.” The words just slipped out.

They now stood in front of a rather tall grand staircase, but Anna was sure both girls knew she wasn’t talking about the intimidating marble steps.

Hermione looped her arm in Anna’s at the same time Ginny did, and the 3 girls stood tall together. “Never.” Ginny promised, and together, they took the first step.
Ok guys! Another set of fun facts cause why not?

· Anna's favourite food is pastries - croissants, pies, etc; anything with a little breading is game.
· When finding friends/dating, Anna simps for people with big hearts cause she's always believed that she's never been cut out to be 'kind' - because of this, she's always hanging out with the Hufflepuff crowd a lot when she's not with her closer circle of friends.
· Anna loves art, and acryllic paint is her favourite medium.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you all have a good week! <3

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