Chapter 9: you're so sweet

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Christina's POV:

Today's the day!! The meet and greet is going to start at one and end at like four or five I think. I kind of want to be the last one because they usually he the most time.

All of a sudden I start to feel really nauseous and dizzy. I stumble over to my bed but all I remember after that is hitting my head on the desk.

Ricky's POV:

Where is she? It's almost four. I thought I would have seen her by now.

We take a fifteen minute break after every half hour and someone blows a whistle and announces that it's time for our sixth break. I use my time to look down the line of fans.

I walk up and down it twice, but I don't see her.

I'm beginning to get desperate.
"Hey guys!!" I yell out to everyone waiting.
"Raise your hand if your name is Christina!" A couple people raise their hands and I go up to them all. None of them are my Christina. Wait- my Christina? Where did that come from? I've only known her for like three days and I've only been with her for a couple hours out of those days. Do I like her?

How old did she say she was? Didn't she just turn sixteen?!?! This isn't even legal!

Wait- what isn't legal? There's nothing going on between us! And there probably never will be. She likes trevor anyways. They're both the same age so they'll probably end up together and she'll never even know how I feel about her.

Trevor's POV:

Ricky's been gone for a while now. I'm starting to get worried. There's two minutes left of the break and then we have to meet some new people.

I'm surprised I haven't seen Christina yet. I would ask ricky where she went but I don't know where he went either.

Christina's POV:

When I woke up from fainting, I was in the hospital. What? What time was it? I looked around for my phone but I couldn't find it.

Eventually I just gave up and looked for a clock. There was one on the wall next to my bed. The clock said that it was five. What?! No! This can't be happening! I missed the meet and greet!! No!! This was a once in a lifetime chance! Now I'll never get to meet them!

I collapsed my head into my ands and start bawling. Someone comes running up to me and yells my name

"Christin!? What's wrong?!" I recognized the voice but right now I didn't care who it was. Wait a minute- yes I do. I know who's voice that is.
"Ricky?!" I asked in disbelief. He chuckled.
"Yeah. Are you okay? You've been asleep for like four hours," he started. I cut him off with a hug.
"I'm so glad to see you. Wait is my aunt here?! And what about Dax?!" I yelled. Especially the Dax part. Why did I tell his name? I barely know him.
" who's Dax?" Ricky stepped away from the bed slowly.
"Ricky he's just a friend. Is he here?"
"No but your aunt is " he said a little quieter
"She came as soon as she could. So did we. We got a call and drove here as fast as we could." He choked out.
"We?" I ask, confused. Suddenly five boys and two girls come out of the waiting room. Connor, Sam, jc, kian, trevor, jenn, and Andrea. Trevor is walking slightly faster than everyone else. He slides past ricky and hugs me, which throws me off. I didn't expect that. I didn't expect this. Why are they here?
"Why are you guys here?" I ask, still confused.
"We got a call from the hospital. They looked through your phone and called your emergency and or favorite contacts. Your mom, aunt, and us picked up. Your dad and Dax didn't. " jenn said
"Who's Dax?" Trevor blurted out suddenly. Almost too suddenly.
Everyone laughed.
"Trevor's got a crush" jc said in a sing-song voice. Everyone laughed except trevor who was still waiting for an answer.
"Dax is just a friend, Trevor. And ricky. He's my aunts bestriends son. Nothing to worry about." I smile slightly and so do trevor and ricky.

A tall man wearing a white lab coat wAlks in.
"Christina?" I raise my hand slightly to indicate that I'm Christina.
"Where's your guardian?" He asks.
" guys where's my aunt? " I direct my question towards ricky. He nods his head to the waiting room.
The doctor thanks him and walks out to go talk to my aunt I guess. I hope I'm okay.
As if trevor reads my mind he says
"I hope you're okay. You took a pretty bad fall. "
"Yeah. " Connor and jenn chimed in.
"How did you guys see? "
"They showed us the security footage of your room." I suddenly could feel myself blushing.
"Don't worry, "Ricky quickly added," nothing you wouldn't want us to see" he smiled slightly.

"Well, "said kian "me and Andrea have to go, but I hope you feel better-" he stood there pleading with his eyes that I tell him my name.

I open my mouth to speak, but Andrea cuts me off.
"Christina" she says with a shy smile. They wave goodbye and leave the hospital room.

"And then there were, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6?" Connor asks hopefully.
"Yep. Six. Good job Connor." Jenn adds sarcastically.

"Seven." Ricky adds. Looking nicely at me. It's kind of weird.

For a couple minutes more we all talk and then the doctor comes back in.

"Good news guys," he starts.
"No concussion." Ricky and trevor sigh out of happiness and then look oddly at each other.
"However, Christina needs to stay in the hospital overnight just to make sure she's okay." My aunt is here now.
"I'll bring you some pajamas and things like that, okay sweetheart?" She asks.
I nod and with that she leaves.
"Do you want me to stay here with you overnight?" Ricky asks.
"If you want to, I guess." I say back, unsure of why he asked.
"I'll stay too." Trevor adds.
"Well let's just have a slumber party then," jenn shout excitedly, joking of course. But then she says
"I call that chair," and I realize she's not joking.
"Well the three chairs are taken up. Sorry guys," I giggle towards Connor, Sam and jc. Jc is pouting with Connor and sam is standing in the doorway of the room with his arms crossed. He seems really upset about something. It's obviously not this, though. Connor and jc come to hug me and say goodbye. Sam just leaves with them.

"Well that was awkward," Trevor blurts out. Ricky and jenn chuckle.
"Don't mind sam," Ricky says "he can be really rude sometimes.

We sit there for a little longer and then ricky talks.
"Hey I'm gonna go get some stuff for overnight. Trevor do you wanna come?"he asks.
"Nah. Jenn you go. I'll stay here with Christina."
Jenn looks curiously at him and than slowly nods and gets up to go with ricky.

Once they're gone, trevor pulls a chair up to the bed I'm on.

"How you feeling?" He asks me.
Is ugh. "Good, I guess. Hey can I ask you something?"
"Yeah anything." He replied quickly.
"Why did you come here?"
"Well," he looks off at the door way. "Ricky got a call. We were sitting at home and his phone rang. He answered and got the news. Everyone was there. He told all of us after he hung up. He said he was going then jenn did and soon everyone was going. We took two cars a see just showed up here. We came because ricky cared about you so we care about you." He blushed a little.
"Aww trevor you're so sweet." I said.
"I know," he said intertwining our fingers.
"But you're sweeter."


Awwww how cute❤️

Long chapter yay! I was going to split this up into two chapters but they would be short chapters so I think this is a better idea.

I hope you liked this chapter❤️
Love you


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