Chapter 12: not a secret anymore

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Rickys POV:

I just heard my name come from Christina's room. I started to walk a little faster towards her. When I got to the curtain that separated her from the hospital, I tugged at it lightly. It was just enough to see through a crack Christina and trevor sitting together. He was stroking her hair. At this moment I felt rage and jealousy just spread all throughout me. It's like there was this need for me to protect her from anything and everything.

I suddenly realized how weird I was being and calmed myself down. I slowly began to open the curtain and act like I hadn't seen anything. At some point in my little flash of anger, trevor had moved to a seat on the other side of the room. They were both on their phones.

"Hey, guys." I said. My voice sounded shaky but neither of them seemed to notice.
Christina looked up from her phone.
"Hey, ricky. What's up?" She smiled.
Trevor nodded and looked back down at his phone.
"Oh," I started, almost telling her about what I just saw. "Nothing really. I just got back from the gym so I'm sweaty and gross. But other than that," Christina laughed nervously. Trevor finally looked up from his phone and glared at her. Not in a mean way, just in a 'go ahead' kind of way- raising his eyebrows slightly.

"Ricky," Christina started but trevor finished. He walked over to her and held her hand.
"We have something to tell you." Trevor said.
"We're dating," Christina whispered hesitantly.

I was in so much shock. But at the same time I wasn't. I guess I knew they would get together sooner or later, I just didn't think it would be this early. They really are good for each other. I can kind of see how ridiculous my crush was now. I mean, there was a good, five years difference. Also I'm going to remind myself again that if we ever got together, it would be illegal. At least until she was eighteen. Whatever I'm happy for them.

"I'm really happy for you guys." I managed to sputter that out after who knows how long of a silence there was. Trevor lowered his eyebrows.
"Really?" He asked, shocked. Christina just smiled.

I nodded.

After a couple seconds of awkwardness, the doctor walked in.
"Christina, you can go home now. Your aunt just arrived and would like to know who you're going home with?" He phrased it as more of a question.

Christina gave me a look, asking if I wanted to drive her to her hotel. I quickly spoke up.
"She can come home with us." I practically shoved the words out of my mouth.

Christina's POV:

"She can come home with us." As soon as those words came out of rickys mouth, trevor nodded and I was just in shock. The doctor nodded and left.
"Actually Christina, you should stay with us the whole time you're here. You can stay in my room or the spare room if you want." Trevor said. (A/N: I know trevor doesn't live with them but he does in this story so deal with it.)
I thought about this for a minute before agreeing almost involuntarily. My mind spoke up before I could.
"Okay." I choked out, barely above a whisper.

Before I knew it, I was changed and in rickys car, heading to the boys' house.

The whole car ride there was really awkward.

Ricky drove, and trevor and I sat in the back, holding hands the whole time. I thought it was adorable.

After about twenty minutes we were there. I stepped out of the car, still holding Trevor's hand. Their house was about the size of my house back home.

As soon as I walked in, Connor and jc asked if I wanted a house tour.
"Actually guys, do you mind if I use your shower really quick? I just haven't taken one in like two days." Trevor grabbed me by the hand and led me up the stairs and to the right. He opened a door, which wa squill shut and locked from the inside. He giggled.
"Sorry." He yelled.
"Yeah. Fuck off Trevor" sam screamed from inside the bathroom. Trevor laughed a little and so did sam. We waited outside the bathroom until we heard a toilet flush and a sink start to run. After the sink shut off, sam opened the door and flicked water onto trevor. Trevor flinched and dramatically wiped the water off of his face.

Once he was done, he led me into the bathroom, and handed me my bag that my aunt brought from the hotel I was staying at. Thankfully this bag had shampoo and conditioner in it.

I thanked trevor and turned on the shower.

After I had taken off my clothing(ooh, how scandalis) I got in the shower, and started washing myself. I shaved my legs and washed my hair. Once I was all set, I turned off the water and stepped out. Oh, shit. I forgot a towel.

I texted trevor:

Hey Trev, I forgot a towel. Could you bring me one?

Haha. Yeah no problem. I'll be there in like two minutes.

Thank you❤️

I just kind of stood there and waited, dripping wet. I pulled my hair into a bun, to get it out of my face. Soon, Trevor showed up.

He knocked, and I just opened the door, half forgetting that I was naked, half not caring that I was naked. I pulled the door open, took the towel, and kissed him on the cheek.
"Thank you Trev." I said before shutting the door.

I wrapped the towel around myself and got out the clothes I was going to put on once I was dry. I picked out a t shirt that was half yellow and half tan and some folded medium-wash denim shorts.

After drying myself off and getting dressed, I walked out of the bathroom to see a shocking sight.


Ooh! It's a cliffhanger! The first cliffhanger of the book! I kind of figure I can start being a bit mean to you guys now.

So what do you think Christina will see? Maybe it's a gorilla. Or maybe it's a surprise welcome home party. You won't know until the next chapter which will be up soon, I promise.
Okay so if you like the story so far, keep reading, commenting, and voting!
And even if you don't like it so far, I promise it gets a little more Eventful in the next couple chapters.
Okay I love you!

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