Chapter 15: here goes nothing

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Trevor's POV:

We just arrived at the pizza place.
I took Christina's hand and led her to a booth in the far corner of the restaurant.
"What do you want babe?" I asked her.
She looked up at me, "I think I want Hawaiian." She said, unsure.
"Okay, Hawaiian it is." I let go of her hand and walked to the front of the restaurant to order for us.
I ordered our pizza and went back to our booth to sit with Christina.
"Welcome back." She said, sarcastically.
I smiled at her.
"So how are you liking living with me and the boys?" I asked her.
"I like it. It's better than being alone in a small hotel room. " I nodded in agreement. Then A tall boy with blond hair and blue eyes came to our booth with our Hawaiian pizza.
"Here you are," he said putting down the pizza.
"Thank you," I looked down at his name tag "Cody." I said finishing my statement.
He nodded.
"That will be $11.58." Cody said, referring to The pizza that he had just set atop of the table.
I begin to take out my wallet but Christina had already handed him the money. I shot her a confused look. Once He walked away Christina said,
"I can pay for us too, you know." She said bluntly
"I don't want you to always pay for me. I can be an independent woman if I want to." she said, snapping.
Christina and I ate our pizza and talked for the next hour and a half. once she and I were both ready to leave we got up from our seats and walk made our way to the door. I opened it for her and as she walked past I could smell her perfume. It kind of smelled like vanilla. I love vanilla.

Once we got in the uber I had called, I slung my arm around her shoulders and we drove off.

Christina's POV:

Once we got to the o2l house, Trevor led me upstairs to his room which was down the hall from mine. He open the door walked in after me then shut the door. I just sat on his bed somewhat cautious of the situation I was in.

What if he tried something on me? What if he wanted to break up? All these different scenarios raced through my head. Suddenly, interrupting my thoughts, however spoke up and broke the silence that filled his room a minute ago.
"Christina," he said, his voice quivering.

I began to worry even more. It sounded that the most likely scenario was that he was breaking up with me. I really didn't want this to happen. I think that I love Trevor. And I hope that he loves me too.

Although it is very unlikely that he would feel the same way towards me. I am just a 16-year-old girl who can't even tell her left from her right, why would he want to stay with me?

I looked up from staring at my shoes to see Trevor with a confused look on his face. His eyebrows were scrunched together and pointing towards his four head, indicating that he was puzzled.

I suddenly realized that I hadn't respond to him yet.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about something. What were you saying?" I asked him
"What were you thinking about Chrissy?" He asked me
"It can wait, trev. What were you saying?" I assured him.
"Okay," he nodded. "Here goes nothing," I laughed at. His nervousness.
"Christina," he said barely above a whisper, " I love you."

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