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Excited to give my 14th review of NefertitiFenison's novel "Looking for Hope"!

Excited to give my 14th review of NefertitiFenison's novel "Looking for Hope"!

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The cover gives a visual imagery of the main character. The nature scenery certainly raised some questions about the novel's context. It also supports the biology mentioned in the blurb. The multiple colours combine beautifully.


It was an intriguing read. The depiction of the late 21st century's future creates a wonderfully realistic imagery. I became inquisitive about the state of everything in the later centuries mentioned.

The blurb introduces the main character and I was already impressed by the bold move she made despite her disorder.

Your work on the blurb made me desire to join Moira on her new journey and find out what was going to occur amidst this "deeper problem".


The beginning was quite shocking, honestly. While reading, I was expecting an elaboration of Moira's new journey. Your introduction of the future with the idea of the "deeper problem" right away but with limited insight creates a level of mystery towards the actual beginning. I must commend your inventiveness with this approach.

More light is shed on the departure from earth and there is the mention of current issues like climate change and their devastating effects which we see today. The plot goes further to talk about the aftermath as a result of not paying heed to the signs which is definitely a highly possible future reality.

There is the discovery of new world's and systems. There's also the the mention of unconventional wars against injustice and its effects.

All these do not forget Moira and influence her unusual nature and personality. In depth narration and frequent dialogue also reveal other characters and their roles.

The reader will definitely be wondering what to expect with each new chapter.  


Moira is a character definitely worth emulating. Not allowing her abilities to be limited by her disabilities is admirable. It's nice to see this doesn't end with her, that there are characters like her who rise against odds. This and their different origins, races, beliefs and personalities promotes diversity throughout the novel.


There are only a few grammatical and typographical errors.

Some paragraphs tend to be a little too long though but the spacing is pretty appropriate. So is the punctuation and capitalisation.


I love your use of most forms of diversity. This made the characters seems more human and relatable and together with a great plot, made your novel a good read!

Thank you so much for requesting! I urge you all to check out  "Looking for Hope" by NefertitiFenison!

Have a wonderful day and expect more updates soon. Keep requesting!

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