Chapter two

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I walked with Stephano up the stairs to a hallway. The walls here were white and any available designs were black. The huge mansion seemed almost empty but we did walk past a few guards.

"In here", he spoke, opening a door on the right. We both walked in. The room was pretty big. It had white blinds over two big windows. The bed was covered in deep blue sheets. It had a study table and a chair at the side. The bathroom was at he far end of the right. The walls were cream called and there was a dresser and a standing mirror.

"This will be your room." Stephano spoke his tall figure towering over me, "mine is the one beside it. "All the guards wear black always, you will be expected to do same except I order you not to."

I nodded. "Yes Sir."

"There is no need for that." He huffed.

"You will eventually get to meet the rest of my family and a few of the workers. I like to work with time, so I will have a copy of my schedule sent to you every morning. The cook will always place your breakfast  dinner available for you here. I mostly don't stay home. While I am at home, I don't expect you to have to follow me everywhere, understood?" He asked after his lecture, he said everything plainly and emotionlessly while starring into my eyes.

"Yes Sir." I answered.

"I told you, no need for that. You don't have to call me Sir." He very nearly growled.

"Yes Stephano." I answered quickly, his tone almost frightened the shit out of me.

I saw a shadow of a smile cross his face in a split second but was gone very quickly. I resisted the urge to look away from his eyes and study his tattoos that crawled all over him.

"Some clothes will be sent to you soon." He walked out the door.

I turned to the bed. I took off my leather jacket, throwing it on the bed, my boots came off and then my pants. Leaving me in nothing but a black T shirt and my blue panties. I turned to the mirror.
My light brown eyes suited my caramel colored, wavy, long hair. I put it up in a messy bun. I turned, admiring my curvy body for a minute. I found myself wishing I was rather tall and muscular instead of short and curvy. Stephano was very intimidating yet and scary. I wondered if he is always serious, never jokes. I didn't expect him to be in the least friendly with me though. I expected him to be harsh, tough and and blunt, first off he didn't want me, second, he was the heir to the Mafia god. Though I hate the sexual comment he made about me. Makes me want to knee him hard in his balls.

My door was pushed open quickly and I gasped in shock as Stephano walked in. His eyes held amusement as they drifted from my mortified eyes dowm my half naked body but his face didn't show it.

I quickly grabbed my leather jacket. Covering my hips with it.

"Don't you how know to knock sir?" I gritted my teeth. Fury readable in my eyes. I didn't hide it, I was unamused unlike him.

I growled, the sound vibrating deep in my throat, almost making me cough, but I held it in.

"I will be leaving in a few minutes, get dressed and meet me downstairs in fifteen minutes." He strode out the door carelessly like he didn't just walk in on me half naked. My face was still hardened, pissed at this bloody bastard.

I turned, dropping the jacket back on the bed. A knock came on the door. I quickly grabbed the jacket back, wrapping it childishly by my waist even though it still left my rear exposed.

"Come in." I answered. An older lady came in. He hair covered on a light blue bonnet, she wore a light blue long gown that covered her arms and legs. Her face had a few wrinkles and she smiled lightly at me. Her black eyes warm and welcoming.

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