Everything around me seemed to disappear, every sound, and in this moment, all I can hear is the frantic beating of my heart as his lips curve into a somewhat sinister smile.
"Hello Ariana, or should I say Vanessa?" He speaks and that does enough to convince me that I am not hallucinating, that voice, that hateful voice feels even more painful than pinching myself. "Good to see you again, but here? Of all places?"
I blink, once, twice, three times and he is still seated in front of me, the only difference between him and the man I knew two weeks ago being the hate in his eyes and voice and the slight stubble growing on his jaw.
He doesn't say another word, he just stares right back at me and I turn and start walking away hastily, I don't stop to talk to anyone, I hurry to the dressing room and I hurriedly get out of my uniform. I pull my clothes on quickly and grab my purse. I hang the uniform and don't spare anyone a glance as I run out of the shop through the back and towards my car. I hear some of the employees telling me goodbye or asking if I am okay, but I don't respond. I slide my keys in quickly as I hear footsteps stalking towards me, I am too afraid to turn to see who it is. I jerk the door open only for it to be slammed back shut harshly and I turn to face the very person I have been running away from, in my mind, in my dreams, my every thought, in my heart, and now in my reality.
"Stephano." I whisper as I stare into his eyes with a hard face.
He smiles, that same wicked smile. "You find out I am alive and well after you betrayed me and the best you can do is run away without a word?"
"What do you want from me, Stephano?" I frowned, glaring harshly at him.
His smile broadens and he walks closer to me, trapping me by my door and placing his hands on the roof of my small car. He starts leaning towards me and I feel my heart racing, I am afraid he can hear it beating wildly and I just continue to stare into his eyes as he leans closer to my face, his gaze shifts to my lips and he breaths on my face before swiftly cocking his head towards my ear.
"Revenge." He whispers darkly and I feel my blood run cold.
I am left speechless and for a brief moment I can't think. But I gather my strength and I place my hands on his chest and push off roughly with every ounce of strength in my being.
I don't turn back and get into my quickly, locking the doors safely as he stands to his feet. I insert my keys and drive away with so much speed I almost run into a car driving in. I feel tears welling up at my eyes, I want to cry, not because I am scared of what he would do to me, but because he is alive. I will never forgive myself if he wasn't, I didn't want to know what Stephanie, Sophia and Grandma will feel if they found out something had happened to him and his father, I didn't want to imagine their sad faces or the look of betrayal if they found out it was all because of me. I arrived at my house faster than I usually do and I park my car and run towards my door sobbing. It's quite dark because it's already late at night, there is no one outside but the neighbor's dogs are barking. I hurry to my door as my tears fall and I wipe them away forcefully with my palm and I unlock my door. I slam the door shut and lock it, walking inside and tossing my purse on the bed. I head to the kitchen, I pull out my drawer and take out the gun and knife I had in there. I walk back to my room and drop them both by my bed, hiding them where I can easily reach it if someone broke into the house.
I take off my clothes while still breathing loudly and I head into the bathroom for a shower, I scrub my skin painfully as I think about him and his words. What would he want from me now? It wouldn't really matter anyway, he is alive and well and that's all I care for, he can kill me if he wants to, I have no one to worry for me.
I dry myself and step out of the shower, with my towel wrapped around me. I stare at myself in my standing mirror. I look pale, frail and skinny now. I have dark circles forming under my eyes, my lips are chapped and my eyes have lost their color, though they are slightly red from crying in the shower. I sigh and grab my dark red, satin robe and wrap it around my body before tucking myself into my bed. I can only manage to sleep for about three hours before the nightmares wake me and I have to puke. Hence the dark circles, I barely eat anything these days anyways. I close my eyes after turning off the lights, I just stare into the dark for a while before I doze off, it feels like I have only slept for about thirty minutes when I feel a prescense in my room and my eyes snap open, I feel strangely cold and I look up to find my window open... Fuck. I am suddenly alert but I don't make effort to move for a while. I put my hand under my pillow to pull out my small knife, feeling the metallic blade in my hands and I turn slowly, the room isn't completely dark anymore, the moonlight seeps in through the open window and I can see a few things, I turn to the foot of my bed and there is a chair that wasn't there before, and there is a man on the chair. I nearly scream at the top of my lungs, my loud breathing gives me away though and I can make out a familiar figure through the darkness.

Mr. Mafia's Bodyguard
Roman d'amour"Stop fighting it so much Ari, I know you want me just as much as I want you." His lustful voice was like a whisper, his hot breath caressing my face as his dark blue eyes captured mine. Everything screamed at me to give into him, open my mouth and...