Chapter thirty-four

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My heart raced wildly in my chest as the entire scene unfolded, we were probably going to crash into the car and I was bracing myself for the impact, Stephano had managed to shoot the glass down and shoot the man in the back. They really took a bad turn and it didn't seem to be working in their favour, Stephano got out another gun from the dashboard and kept shooting at the driver's side, it all happened so fast and in the next second, we crashed into the side of their car, the glass shattered from the impact and I fell forward, crossing my arms over my face before I fell forward from the impact, landing on the steering. I was happy the car didn't blow up, I couldn't lift my head, hearing the loud sound and I just lay on the steering, before the environment grew quiet after the crash.

"Ariana." Stephano shook me, "are you okay?" I could hear the worry in his voice, so I turned my head towards him, giving him a reassuring nod. I could see the airbag was out.

"We need to get out and get going." He proclaimed, he opened the door by his side, I sat up, crossing over to his side and getting out behind him. I felt my head throb, and I just held it with my hands. I looked at the car we just ran into, the driver had blood dripping down his head, he had slammed into the steering forcefully and the door by him was crushed. I took my eyes off the picture, not bothering to see more. I felt my arms hurt alongside my head, I inspected myself and noticed a small trail of blood on my right arm. I might have been pierced by the glass or something.
I turned to Stephano, he was carefully surveying the area. He didn't seem badly injured but I could see some blood by the side of his head. He slid his hand into his pocket, pulling out his phone. He dialed a number and put the phone to his ear, he spoke to someone across the line in Italian for a while then he turned to me, I was breathing heavily. His blue eyes scanned me carefully.

"You are injured." He stated.

"You too." I breathed.

"I have called someone to clear the scene, we might have to walk a small distance from here before we find a way home." He sighed.

I nodded my head, before I bent, reaching for my heels and taking them off. I held them both in my hands and I turned to him, he had his eyes on me all through.

"I can't walk far with them." I explained.

"But you might hurt your feet." He worried.

"I am fine boss, let's get going before anything else goes down." I smiled.

My eyes widened when I felt his hand wrap around mine, he didn't look at me and he started walking, while I followed behind him. The night was slightly cold, this road seemed to be an abandoned path that we found ourselves in.

"Did they want what you took from that man?" I asked.


"That was quite stupid of them, making a bad move like that."

"They thought we would stop."

I didn't talk further as we walked down the path silently, soon, Stephano let go of my hand. I felt a little sad at the loss of contact. I did like it a little bit. I was taken aback as he started taking off his jacket.

"What are you doing? It's quite cold." I frowned.

"I know." He said, pulling it off and turning towards me, my eyes widened and my heart stilled as he put on me.

"This is not necessary." I mumbled.

"Oh please." He rolled his eyes before taking my hand again and continuing the journey. A smile tugged at my lips as warmth spread through my body and my heart felt the warmest.

We had walked about two hundred metres before coming to a road. A car seemed to have been parked, waiting for us. Stephano tugged me towards it, there was a man in the car and I quickly recognized him as one of the guards I had seen around the warehouse. Stephano got in beside him while I got in the back and we silently drove away. I felt tired, and really sleepy, but I didn't let my eyes flutter for a second as we drove.


The gates were opened as we approached the compound. They must have seen our headlights.
We all got out of the car on getting inside the compound and I walked into the house behind Stephano. We walked quietly up the stairs and towards our rooms. I turned to my door about to open it when I felt Stephano's hand grab mine and stop me from doing so. I glanced up, my eye meeting his expectantly.

"Come with me."

He turned, noticing my hesitation "that's an order." He added.

I sighed, "yes boss."

He opened the door to his room and we both walked in. He flicked on the lights and motioned for me to seat on the bed. I walked towards it obediently and plopped myself down. He turned to his cupboard, looking for something. I took of his coat and placed it nearly on the bed. He approached me with what seemed to be a first aid kit. He opened it, taking out a cotton wool and methylated spirit. My eyes widened in surprise as he kneeled before me, he took my hand without hesitation, and began dabbing wound with the soaked cotton. I winced in slight pain at the contact, his brows furrowed and I felt him rub it more softly. He soon stood, walking towards his table and pouring me a glass of water from the jug on the table. He took out a medicine from the box, and handed it to me alongside the cup of water, I didn't bother to argue and I gulped them both down, his eyes watching me althrough. I handed him the glass, he took it back to the table before turning towards me. "I am done now." He smiled lightly.

"But I am not." I disagreed, getting up from the bed and walking towards him.

He raised a brow at me questioningly. I took his hand, tugging him towards the bed and seating him down. I lifted the first aid kit and soaked the cotton in spirit just like he did and then I kneeled and started to clean the wound on his forehead.

"That's not necessary kitten, I can do it on my own, except you do enjoy being so close to me." He grinned. Indeed we were very close to each other and I held his head with my other hand as I worked. I let my gaze shift from his wound to his amused blue eyes.

"Oh please." I rolled my eyes at him, repeating the same action from him earlier.

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