Chapter twenty-seven

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Ariana's P. O. V

"C'mon man, let me get you some girls." Mateo nudged Stephano.

Stephano turned to him with a smirk on his face, he nodded in approval.

Mateo ordered for some drinks, pouring some out for Stephano.

Soon two ladies walked up to them, one was a brunette, her hair was messy and she was wearing a very skimpy red dress, her back was revealed by the dress. Her long skinny legs walked seductively up to Stephano, swaying her hips to the loud music.

He starred at them with a smirk on his face as he eyed their bodies.

One of them took his hand, standing him up and they both led him to the floor.

The other man with his ladies left too, joining them.

I now sat alone, watching. I let my eyes drift away from them every once in a while.

Something burned in my heart watching him let those two ladies rub all over him. I forced it away though, suppressing it as much as I could.

It hurt, it was something so painful to feel, throbbing in my chest.

"Hey." Someone whispered beside me. I whipped my head abruptly, almost landing a kiss to the guy beside me.

He leaned back. "Sorry I came too close." He apologized.

He was a brunette, his warm brown eyes running around me.

I nodded my head lightly, averting my gaze away from him and back to Stephano.

"You don't party much?" He asked, gulping down the contents of the bottle in his hand.

"No." I replied flatly.

"That's a shame." He fake frowned.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Well you should try party sometime."

I scrunched my nose in dismay. And raised and released my shoulders disapprovingly.

"Should I buy you a drink?" He asked.

"I will appreciate you stop bothering me." I frowned.

"Oh I am sorry...." He grinned. "Just trying to get you to lighten up. You looked so lonely here all by yourself."

"Well thank you for noticing but I don't need your company and you should wear spectacles so you could see the difference between lonely and alone." I snickered.

I didn't want to let this guy distract me, I had a gut feeling something was going to happen tonight.

I dunno what it is but I wanted to be alert.

So I kept one eye on Stephano, laughing and drinking with the ladies and the other eye round the bar.

He raised his hands in mock surrender.

"I am sorry..." He mused. "But you're quite beautiful, and I can't help but think I have seen you somewhere before."

"What?!" I frowned, turning to him.

"Yeah... But I can't recall when." He scratched his jaw.

I huffed, turning back to Stephano. He was gone.


I stood up to leave, a pair of rough hands dragged me back down my seat.

I turned angrily, rage burning in my eyes as I starred at the man.

"Don't test me dude." I growled, "fuck off or you won't like me."

He was taken aback for a second, his eyes widened. But he quickly recomposed himself and grinned like a fool.

I stood from seat again, walking around the bar.

I caught a glimpse of him, he was seating somewhere else. He was talking to a girl. She was grinning wildly, her huge breasts pushed into Stephano.

He wasn't smiling or anything or even looking at her. I watched him type away at his phone.

I froze as I saw the other girl behind him who was rubbing his back mix something into his.
drink quickly.

Immediately he was covered by the people who were dancing.

I walked hastily, pushing through the bodies roughly. My heart racing erratically.

If anything happened to him, Stollo will burn me alive.

Some people groaned, frowned and cursed as I pushed past them roughly.

I dashed frantically towards Stephano who was now about to grab the drink.

He took it from the table, lifting to his lips while still starring at his phone.

I grabbed the cup from him forcefully, his head whipping upwards towards me as I did. Shock evident in his eyes.

"Ariana." He sighed.

"Hey what's your problem? Give him his drink." The lady who mixed it frowned, eyeing me with distaste. She was wearing bright red lipstick, a short white gown that was slit along her breast. Showing her cleavage and down her belly button piercing.

Her long skinny fingers trailed around Stephano's shoulders.

I snapped. "Why don't you drink it?"

"It's not mine so...?" She raised her brows.

"Ariana what's the problem?" Stephano groaned.

"It's drugged Stephano." I hissed, pissed at his tune. I am about to save his nonchalant life and he is being so obnoxious.

"What?" The one who seemed to have been trying to distract Stephano for the other to drug him laughed. "That's ridiculous."

Stephano starred at me with a confused look.

"Do you really think I will make this up?" I asked, keeping my face and voice neutral.

"Since it's so ridiculous.... You won't be bothered drinking it would you?" I turned to the girl.

She rolled her eyes. "Come on, tell your servant to stop bothering us and let us enjoy the night."

Stephano simply stood from his chair, a determined look on his face.

I braced myself, thinking he was gonna to hit me or yell me out.

"Let's go kitten." He smiled.

He took my hand softly but firmly.

I was taken aback as he pulled me close to himself and pushed through the crowd.

I bit my lower lip in confusion. I could just never wrap my mind around how he changes moods swiftly and quickly.

"Are you drunk?" I heard myself ask suddenly.

"No. Why?" He chuckled.

I didn't answer. We walked out the bar and into the cold night. He still held my hand softly, warming it.
He walked silently to the car. He released my hand as we approached the car. I wished he didn't have to.

I opened the door, getting in as he got in the driver's seat.

"You hungry?" He asked, fastenings his seat belt as I did mine and starting the car.

"No." I lied.

"Well I am hungry." He confessed.

"I don't think any stores will still be open." I mumbled.

"Well, you can cook me something then. Everyone will be asleep by the time we got home."

I froze, wordless as we drove into the roads.

I hope he is only kidding.

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