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Kou POV:

Mitsuba and I walked through the hall together. It was kind of awkward trying to open the door though, since we're both kinda weak. I could hear sniggers from people at the nearby tables. I could tell Mitsuba heard them too as his face went red again. The door finally creaked open. We rushed out of the great hall, trying to escape the awkward situation.

We closed the door behind us. "God, that was so embarrassing", Mitsuba exhaled. I laughed, "geez, tell me about it!" Mitsuba laughed too. Is it just me or is he being nicer to me now? I shrugged it off and continued to walk with him.

I stopped suddenly. "Wait where are we going?" I asked. Mitsuba face palmed, "the bathroom, dumbass!" He snorted. I nudged him, "you're so mean Mitsuba", I grinned. He laughed, "if I'm mean, then why are you smiling?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

I stopped and thought for a moment. "Because...I've decided I like you, there's no changing my mind now!" I declared. He shook his head, "that's so dumb", he said. Although he tried to hide it...I could still see his smile. That's so cute..

ANYWAYS... "is this the bathroom?" I asked. Mitsuba nodded, "it is...so come on", he ordered, going in first, "Let's get you cleaned up, traffic safety earring boy".

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