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Amane POV:

"Tsukasa slow down!" I called after my twin brother. Too late- he's already gone. I'm too tired to deal with his shenanigans right now, I'm heading to bed...

✨Magical time skip to the morning✨

I'm so excited to finally get to check out my Astronomy class! Tsukasa and I arrived together, but we aren't sitting together...I guess he already made friends huh? He sat at the back of the class with a tall brunet boy and green haired girl, who had a stoic expression. What an odd group, not that I can say anything...I'm sitting alone.

10 minutes into the lesson the door burst open. A girl with thick ankles?, and a blond boy entered. Their faces were both red and they gasped for breath. 'Sorry...we're...late', the girl said between breathes. The teacher simply sighed and assigned them seats, next

The pair plopped themselves down in their seats. 'You alright there?' I smirked. 'Stairs', she complained. The astronomy class is on the top floor. 'We bumped into each other on the way up', the blond boy explained. They looked me up and down, their eyes settling on my tie. 'Slytherin', he said surprised. I just awkwardly laughed. Great, there's an uncomfortable silence.

The rest of the period went surprisingly well, the atmosphere seemed to relax as I helped my desk mates with the work. 'Oh!' the daikon girl said suddenly, 'we didn't introduce ourselves' She smiled warmly and me. 'I'm Yashiro Nene, and this is Minamoto Kou'  The boy waved giving a toothy grin.

Wait did she say Minamoto? This is awkward-  it's a commonly known fact that our families don't like each other, but I've never actually met any of the sons. I gulped, 'I'm Yugi Amane'. Minamoto's smile faltered when I said that, not that Yashiro seemed to notice.

I continued to explain the work for the rest of the period until:
'How about we all hangout at lunch?' Yashiro asked trying her best to sound confident. I actually want to but Minamoto might not like that... 'sounds good to me!' He said surprisingly. He smiled kindly. 'I'd love to', I laughed. This went better than expected!

TBHK/JSHK Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now