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Nene POV:

I ate alone at the Hufflepuff table, trying not to groan over my loneliness. I failed and flumped my head down on the table.

"Are you alright?" a voice giggled.

I looked up. It was a girl. She had brown braided hair, round glasses, and was very pretty. "I'm alright", I sighed, "just trying to not look like a loner".

She smirked, "well you did look like a loner, but not anymore!" She leaned forward and reached over the table, holding her hand out. "I'm Shijima Mei", she smiled.

I gripped her hand gently. "Yashiro Nene", I said, trying my best to give a friendly smile.

We continued to chat throughout our meal. I learned about her passion for art which was cool but confused me when I remembered that magic paintings can move? Plus she just laughed at my confusion instead of explaining! I paused my bickering with her when I saw Minamoto-kun and that Pink haired boy from earlier rush through the hall to the Gryffindor table.

"Now what have those two been up to?" Shijima-San said, raising an eyebrow.

They both has flushed faces, and when they sat down next to each other they both were acting...nervously?

"They're both totally blushing!" I stage whispered to her. But that pink boy was totally rude to us! Minamoto-kun has weird taste.

"That's Mitsuba Sousuke", Shijima-San whispered back, "he sits next to me in my charms class".

"He was so bossy to us earlier", I said, frowning. "is he always like that?" I asked.

Shijima-San giggled, "from what I can tell, he's just a sour lemon drop with a hidden sweet centre". I think she just called him a tsundere.

"Well either way, as Minamoto-Kun's friend I must protect him!" I grinned, "I'll keep an eye on them".

Shijima-San laughed, "me too then". We jokingly shook hands, as if we were making a dodgy deal, before we continued our meals.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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