III-Boat Trip

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'Minamoto-kun...where's the frog?'

Suddenly we heard shouting in the cabin next to us. 'Oops', Kou and I said at the same time.

'AMANE, AMANE, AMANE LOOK ITS A FROG', a loud boy shouted, followed by another boy's muffled voice telling him to calm down.

'Is this our fault?' Kou asked. We both laughed nervously. 'Pretend you saw nothing' I whispered. Kou's face started to turned red from repressing his laughter...

'Let's just gets into our robes, we'll be there soon', Kou chuckled.

The train came to a stop at a small station. 'So this is it, I'm seriously about to go to a magical school', I said nervously. I followed Kou off the train, being careful with our belongings.

'Don't eat the frog yet Tsukkasa! It's still enchanted!' I heard an alarmed boy shout. Kou and I made eye contact and started wheezing. 'LETS GO', I laughed. We escaped the scene of the crime!

BOATS? We're meant to get to the school by boats? I don't want to fall in the water! I keep having strange dreams where I turn into a fish...

Kou laughed at me the whole time during boat ride, okay so maybe I was panicking a lot. 'So mean Minamoto-kun,' I pretended to pout.

Kou helped me out of our  boat. 'It's nothing like how I imagined it!' I heard him say. I looked up at the school and gasped. It was like a castle. It looked amazing with the lights making the building seem to glow in the night.

'Hurry up now first years', the gigantic groundskeeper called, as he began to lead us towards the Great Hall...

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