IV-The Sorting Hat

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We stood waiting at the grand doors of the GreatHall. We were to wait until the Headmaster (Kou told me that he's called Dumbledore) had finished his speech or something...

'Gosh, I better not be in Slytherin', Kou whispered to me. Weird, I wonder why... 'what's wrong with Slytherin?' I whispered back. 'They say every single bad witch or wizard has been from Slytherin', he explained. So what they put them in an evil house or something? Seems like a bad idea putting them all together...

A serious looking older woman in emerald green robes cleared her throat to get our attention. 'Good evening first years I am Professor McGonagall, in a few moments you will all be sorted into your houses' She paused and listened for a moment. 'It seems that they are ready for you now', she gave a small smile. And the doors swung open suddenly.

We all walked in a clump down the isle between the tables towards the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.
When we arrived he explained how the sorting would work, while pointing to a hat with a face.

'Aoi Akane', McGonagallcalled out.

After several students I heard McGonagall say, 'Yashiro Nene'

I took a deep breathe and copied what everyone else did. Kou gave me a reassuring nod. 'Hmmmm this ones interesting', the sorting hat said. GOD I do not enjoy talking hats. 'I think it'll have to be...HUFFLEPUFF'  I don't know anything about Hufflepuff...but at least I'm not in Slytherin!

I sat at the Hufflepuff table and the applause died down. 'Minamoto Kou' McGonagall called out.

When the sorting hat was on Kou's head it chuckled, 'A Minamoto eh?' Then it'll have to be Gryffindor!' Kou looked relieved and I gave him a thumbs up. The hat seemed to know him? Weird.

'Yugi Amane' McGonagall called. Geez her throat must be getting sore...

A cute boy sat down...NOT THAT HE'S MY TYPE. The sorting hat seemed to ponder about which house to put him in. 'Hmmm a Yugi?' the hat sounded surprised, 'then it must be...SLYTHERIN THEN' Really Slytherin? He looks so nice though! The boy got up, his face looked like this was the outcome he expected.

'Yugi Tsukasa' McGonagall said loudly. I heard a giggle as a boy who looked just like the last boy appeared. Before the hat was actually on his head the hat stated, 'SLYTHERIN' 'ehhhhh? Amane Amane, we're in the same house!' the boy giggled, then skipped towards the other boy who must be Amane. 'Of course we are Tsukasa, we're twins after all' Amane replied quieter than his brother.

Ughhhh that was so long, there's no way I can remember all of these peoples' houses! Hmm I think I recognised those boys from somewhere..?

A/N: Sorry if this went on for too long-

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