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Amane POV:

I sighed, "we were given it in History of Magic, Shōnen". He pouted, "you know I was asleep in that class!" He complained. I snorted, "Professor Cuthbert Binns is literally the most boring person I've ever met, so I don't blame your for sleeping". We laughed. Yashiro gasped, "I couldn't stop looking at him though!" She stated, "I mean, he actually a ghost!" Minamoto laughed, "it's not every day that you see a ghost in the muggle world"

We continued to laugh and chat until I remembered the task at hand. "Let us help you with that", I sighed, pointing at his disregarded homework". He yawned then nodded.

Yashiro and I began explaining to him what Professor Cuthbert Binns had taught us about 'Goblin Wars'. What a thrilling topic. Kou scribbled down his work with ease, obviously he had more experience with the quill than Yashiro had.

"Done!" He yelled triumphantly. "Shhhhh!" Minamoto was hushed by the librarian, Irma Pince. I smirked at him. He rolled his eyes. We all got up and stretched, glad to be done with our work.

"Let's head to the Great Hall", Yashiro yawned, "I'm starving". We all nodded in agreement and began to head down stairs. We would have been really early to dinner however the stairs kept being annoying by moving, so we arrived with everyone else.

We were about to sit down at the Gryffindor table, with Kou until a Pink haired boy glared at us. "You do realise this isn't your table", he frowned at us. "Does it really matter?" I asked him. 'Such a Slytherin' he muttered under his breath. I balled my fists, the boy must have noticed as he backed away a bit.

"Will I have to sit alone?" Yashiro asked, concern filling her voice. I patted her shoulder gently. "It'll be alright, we'll see you later", I said. We headed off on our opposite directions, waving at each other.

I spotted Tsukasa, and slid into the spot next to him. "Ahhh! Amane!" He giggled. His friends stared at me... "This is Sakura", he grinned, and pointed to the green haired girl. He looked over to the brunet boy, "and this is Natsuhiko", he pointed again. I nodded slowly. "I'm Amane", I laughed nervously. They waved then continued their conversation, leaving me to fade into the background...

TBHK/JSHK Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now