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Kou POV:

I sighed and slid into an empty spot at the Gryffindor table...right next to that bossy pink haired boy. As soon as the feast began everyone started tucking in. Most people chatted amongst their friends apart from me (obviously) and...the pink haired boy.

"So what's your name, then?" I asked him, stuffing some chicken into my mouth. He stuck his tongue out at me. What the hell? "What's it to you? Traffic safety earring boy?" He yelped.

I sighed, "I'm Minamoto Kou", I said, ignoring his out burst. He nodded casually as if he didn't just shout at me. "I'm Mitsuba Sousuke", he mumbled.

The rest of the meal went fine until Mitsuba and I accidentally bumped hands when reaching for the same plate. This caused me to knock over a goblet, I felt the cold drink soak my uniform. Mitsuba let out a wheeze, his face was going red with embarrassment. "Sh-shut up!" I spluttered. I felt my face heat up, I bet I look just as flustered as him.

Mitsuba smiled, still giggling, "sorry!" His smile is cute...Thats not a strange thing to think about a stranger. I was just being nice! It's not as if I like him like that. I need to go clean up somewhere" I mumbled. He nodded and got up suddenly. "What's wrong?" I asked. Mitsuba fidgeted (nervously?) With his scarf. "Well of course I'm coming too, it was partially my fault too", he sighed. I nodded and smiled at him, "let's go then!"

TBHK/JSHK Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now