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The rest of the day seemed to go smoothly, surprisingly...

The sound of the bell snapped me back into reality. Thank goodness last period is over. I began to walk out of the class behind Nene-San and Yugi-kun, who were deep in conversation. I entered the hall but was stopped suddenly by a firm grip on my shoulder. "Kou, we need to talk", Teru-Nii said, his face looked completely serious.

"Who's that handsome boy?" Nene-San asked Yugi-kun. Yugi-kun had backed up, he was practically hiding behind Nene. "Isn't it obvious?" He said, "that's Minamoto-kun's older brother." I turned to my friends, "go ahead without me guys", I tried to smile naturally, "I'll catch up with yous." Yugi-kun smiled and nodded gratefully, pulling Nene-san down the corridor.

Teru-Nii let go of my shoulder. "How are you finding Hogwarts?" He asked. Is this small talk? "It's great" I said truthfully, "I just miss Tiara." He nodded understandingly, "You can always write letters to her" I hadn't even considered that.

He cleared his throat. "Anyways", he began. Great, time for what he was ACTUALLY here to talk about. "I heard that you've been hanging around with a Yugi", he said disappointedly "is this true?" I sighed, "I don't see why it's such a big deal!" Why does he look so shocked? "He's just an annoying idiot, who I personally really like", I complained, "why is everyone acting like our friendship is such a crime?"

Teru-Nii coughed awkwardly. "Forget I said anything", he said with his charismatic smile. "I'm sure you know what you're doing", he continued, "keep an eye on him though!" And with that he turned away. Did I seriously just lose my cool infront of Teru-Nii? I'll have to apologise later...

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