II-The Hogwarts express

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We boarded the train together, and searched for a cabin. 'There's an empty one here', I smiled. We dumped our bags and settled down in the compartment.

'My name's Minamoto Kou,' he said 'what's yours?' I shifted in my seat, 'I'm Yashiro Nene, nice to meet you, Minamoto-Kun' His cheeks went pink when I smiled at him, he must be shy.

During the ride we got sweets from the sweet cart. 'You're a muggleborn right?' Kou asked while stuffing sweets into his mouth. 'Is it that obvious?' I awkwardly laughed. 'You seem more confused than other people' he explained. 'Anyways, do you know how a chocolate frog works?' He asked. I looked at the blue and gold box. 'It isn't just normal chocolate?' I asked. He smiled back at me, 'well yes and no. It's enchanted so it comes alive!' He laughed at the concern of my face, 'it's the cards you want anyway'

I opened the box carefully yet a frog jumped right in my face. I almost screamed my lungs out. Kou and I started laughing so hard that my chest hurt. Once we'd calmed down we struggled to stay serious, Kou would start wheezing again whenever we made eye contact.

'Minamoto-Kun....where's the frog?'

A/N I know Nene is older than  Kou but they're the same age in this.  : )

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