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Nene POV:

Yugi-kun and I were doing our homework together, waiting for Minamoto-kun to return. Yugi-kun was giggling. "What's so funny?" I demanded, knowing exactly what he was laughing at. Black splotches littered my parchment. "Not used many feather quills in your life, eh Yashiro?" He cackled.

I felt my face heat up. Not because I like him! (He's not my type) but because I'm embarrassed... I struggled to scribble down my answers, my hands were shaking. "Here, let me help you", Yugi-kun said, his voice sounded softer than before. I was taken aback when I felt his hand on mine. He guided my hand as I wrote, making sure that I didn't splatter anymore ink across the page.

Unfortunately he let go of my hand. My hands were still warm from his touch. "Thank you", I smiled at him. His cheeks flushed. Did I embarrass him? "Wow you guys both look like tomatoes!" Minamoto-kun's voice interrupted our shyness. "We do not!" Yugi-kun and I said at the same time. He just laughed at us, "whatever you say" he gave us a toothy smile.

"Wait a minute", he said suddenly, "we have homework?"

TBHK/JSHK Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now