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Kou POV:

Teru-Nii warned me to stay away from the Yugi twins...but this Amane guy seems alright- well he's kind of annoying but he doesn't seem like some evil mastermind like my brother mentioned. Slytherins always manage to surprise you with their slyness he said, but I feel like Amane is genuinely a good person. If Teru-Nii asks I'll just tell him...that I'm keeping an eye on him.

"Whatcha thinking about Minamoto-kun?" Nene asked. I panicked for a moment trying to think of something else. "Oh! It's fine, I'm just feeling a bit homesick", I lied. Well...I'm not technically lying. I've never been this far apart from my little sister Tiara, I've always been the person who looked after her. I even do all the cooking and cleaning at home.

"Hey, Shōnen", a unique voice said, "you spaced out on us" I forgot that Yugi-Kun was here...
"Sorry!" I laughed nervously. Nene-san patted my shoulder, "it's okay Minamoto-Kun, we get how you feel" She smiled kindly.

We ate in a comfortable silence, aside from the strange looks we gained. Is it really that weird to sit at a table with people from different houses?

"Isn't that Yugi and Minamoto?", a girl whispered, "Aren't they enemies or something?" Great, people have already noticed that we've been hanging out... "I bet Yugi is going to be a death-eater!" another voice whisper-shouted in return. Yugi-kun sighed then waved at the girls talking about us. They gasped then excused themselves.

"Such idiots", I commented. Nene-San looked confused. Oops, I had forgotten that she didn't know. "What was that all about?" She asked, "why would you guys be enemies?" Yugi-kun and I had a mini-staring contest, as if debating who would have to explain, I won. Yugi-kun sighed again, "okay, so basically our families hate each other", he said nonchalantly. I jokingly punched his shoulder, "nice explanation genius" He smirked, "I do try".

Nene-san stared at us, like she was trying to figure if our 'arguing' was genuine or a joke. I shrugged, "who says that we have to hate each other just because our families do?" Nene smiled. "I didn't sign no contract", Yugi said sassily. I laughed at him, there's no way I can dislike this clown.

A/N: Happy Halloween!! It's a shame spooky season is over but Christmas is next lmao.

TBHK/JSHK Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now