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Chapter Nineteen

The next morning rolled around and I was sitting in my office doing paperwork just before my lunch break.

Today wasn't so bad, I wasn't getting as much calls as usual. It was a pretty slow day, there were barely any interruptions either and I was able to blow through my paper work.

This week was a pretty boring week for my boss also, he was only busy four out of seven days so making his schedule for the week was a piece of cake.

Hopefully, when I ask him about giving me the rest of the week off he won't make much of a fuss.

"Hey girl, I see you didn't forget your lunch today." Sophia barged into my office unannounced as always.

She pulled up a chair and sat across from me as if we were having an office date and began to dig in to her food.

"Do you think he would give us the rest of the week off?" I asked Sophia and she rolled her eyes.

"Get your thoughts out of knots, he will and if he doesn't Stephan will go in there and-"

"As you can see that's what I've been trying to avoid." I threw my cushioned apple at her forehead.

Every time I'm worried she tells me to get my thoughts out of knots, even when we were little. It was a tad bit funny.

"I don't see why you have a problem with it, Stephan is a powerful man and you can literally have it the easy way." She shrugged and continued to eat.

She's not wrong. Stephan could make anyone abide by whatever he says, but I can do it on my own. My boss might be an ass but that doesn't mean I'm going to have him threatened just to make my life 'easier'.

It's just inhumane and not necessary in my eyes, my boss doesn't deserve that.

"Let's just go talk to him now." I stood up and pulled Sophia out with me. If I sat here any longer I might've just chickened out.

"The worst thing he can say is no, we'll be alright." She entangled our arms together and we got in the elevator to head up to the top floor.

"Good afternoon ladies, what can I help you ladies with?" He sat down in his chair and looked up at us.

Sophia and I shared a look, not once in our years of working here has our boss spoke such pleasant words.

It was always a 'hurry up I have work to finish' or 'it better be important because I have work to finish' or something involving him having work to be finished.

Throughout the whole conversation our boss was visibly shaken up but nonetheless he allowed Sophia and I to take the rest of the week off.

When we got to my house we had a late start on the packing but we decided to finish up the last season of our show.

We were pretty excited to go to Chicago, especially since none of us have been there before.

"Are you guys packing?" That was the first question Jason asked once I picked up his call.

That raised my suspicion for many reasons. For one, how did my brother know that I was able to get the rest of the week off when I haven't talked to him at all today.

"How did you know I got the week off?" A lull of silence passed after I asked him that question. In the meantime I put the phone on speaker so that Sophia could hear.

"I-I just assumed that you, uh." He began to stammer over his words. Jason is not a man that bends under pressure, but when it came to me and my mother it was always a different story.

Another Chance At Us { Sequel to Gang Leaders Possession }Where stories live. Discover now