Plan C

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Chapter Sixteen

You grow up thinking you know your family, at least your own mother, right? As you get older secrets start to unfold and you begin to connect the dots.

Then you realize your once perfect family is not so perfect anymore.

"Me and your mother were great friends long before her death, I was even around when you and your brother were in her belly." He began to reminisce, telling a few stories along the way.

He even shared stories about the times where him and my mother got into sticky situations and how they got out of it. We lost track of time for a while but I didn't mind.

"So you don't know anything about my mothers death?" I asked him. Is it even possible my mothers closest friend knows nothing about what we know?

"No, I still don't know who killed her but when I find out I will deal with everyone involved, you have my word." He told me that in confidence, there was a certain power behind the words he spoke.

I looked back down at the flower I held between my fingers. It was soft to the touch with spews of blue, a maroon purple, yellow and some orange.

Tonight wasn't supposed to go like this. Tonight we were supposed to be one step closer.

"It's strange because I keep getting leads to the ones who took her life but I'm always stuck back at the beginning, almost as if they're nowhere to be found."

He caught my attention with his next choice of words. So it looks we're having the same problem.

"Really? How long have you been looking?" I asked him. We haven't been looking for that long, maybe we just have to give it more time.

"I started looking as soon as the case was up, it's been years." He deadpanned and shook his head.

When he told me that I couldn't help but drop my jaw a little. We had only been going after this for a few months maybe, he's been trying for years and he still hasn't gotten anywhere.

How long will we have to look before we find something? Or will we even find anything at all. Maybe we aren't looking in the right spots, maybe our leads aren't strong enough.

What else can we do?

"I'm going to head back inside, I don't want to keep you from your people." He turned to me with a look on his face as if I had just said something ridiculous.

"You're Christina's daughter, you're my people too." Again, his tone was affirmative and his words held power. That made my heart warm a little, it was nice to hear someone had my back.

Even though he was still a stranger to me, by his stories I can tell he was close to my mom and that was enough for me.

A few minutes later we decided to head back inside where the party had resumed as if nothing even happened.

When I got back to the table I could practically see the angry faces across the guys faces.

"Emma, you went away from the plan. Do you realize how much you put at risk right there?" Jason scolded me.

"It doesn't even matter, he has been looking too and he still knows nothing." Needless to say, I was bummed out.

What is the point of looking if we aren't going to get anywhere? The little hope that I had disappeared tonight, where do we go from here?

My mom could be out there and that bothers me more than the possibility of her being dead. If she is actually dead then I would have no choice but to accept that.

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