Date Night?

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"Is this officially your first date!?" Sophia laid across me on my bed.

Back in high school, my so called boyfriend asked me to go on a date. The date? It was at his house to watch movies. He came to pick me up in a pair of sweats.

Now you can imagine how I looked when I answered the door with a face full of makeup, a dress and matching heels. Wasn't much of a big deal until we got there and the only thing he was trying to do was have sex.

You can also tell we didn't last long. A little over three months, if I remember correctly.

"I don't know, yea? Do you think I should dress casual or like..." I shrugged my shoulders trying to find my next words and just threw my face in my pillow.

"...Or sexy? Hot? You can say that, you're a grown woman!" Sophia rolled her eyes at me and snatched the pillow, scolding me.

Like I said, when it comes to that type of lifestyle, Sophia is no stranger to it. I'm not saying she bones every guy that has a pair, but Sophia gets any guy she wants. Even the ones she doesn't want.

"I know, I'm just not used to this stuff. Should I go? This is kind of embarrassing." I began to ramble, going back and forth between talking to myself and to Sophia.

"Girl, take a chill pill. You're going to dress so well that it's going to be hard for Stephan to keep his hands off of you. And you're going to own it, you don't have to have sex with him, if you don't want to he'll understand that." She grabbed me by my shoulders and looked me in my eyes.

"But nobody said you can't leave him wanting more, he wants you to play his little game right? Give him a game of your own to play, one that he can't win."

Sophia has a way with words. If someone was to flat out tell me to attend this date and eventually tease Stephan to death, I'd say no. Just like that.

She made my adrenaline kick in just thinking about the look on his face, I wonder how it would look.

Then I thought about it,

"Wait, how exactly do I seduce him?" I realized that's something I've never really done, it's pretty embarrassing to admit it.

"Girl, just take the initiative. Make the first move, after you do that it'll be a piece of cake believe me." She said it like it was nothing, but of course to her it was nothing.

"So do I just...kiss him and then what?"

"No you don't 'just kiss him' you wait for the perfect moment, maybe if you guys get to a deep subject or when he's close enough for you to kiss him. You'll know." She began to go on and on with the longest list of ways that it could go down.

"Emma!" I heard my mother call me from downstairs. Sophia was just getting into the good details and of course she had to intrude.

We both got up from the bed and made our way downstairs to her.

"There's somebody I'd like the two of you to meet." Before we could even hit the corner I heard her say those words, I was thinking a family member of some sort or a long lost 'girl' friend.

What I was not expecting was a tall man looking at us, with a cigarette dangling from his lips. This man looked like trouble, and his energy was bouncing off the walls.

Not sure if it was good or bad, but from the way he was looking at me, it didn't seem so good. The way he was eyeing me down while my mother had her back turned to grab something out of the oven made my palms sweaty.

"Micheal, this is my daughter, Emma and Sophia, who I consider my daughter as well. She's been with the family since they were in diapers." She began to tell him, I instantly went to cut the conversation before she got into the stories but Sophia beat me to it.

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