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Chapter Twenty

Sometimes it's good to get carried away. Sometimes it's good to cross that line because good just might come out of it.

Growing up I always thought of it the opposite way. My parents constantly had all of these rules set up and I was never able to get close to that line.

The other kids had sleepovers and were able to go out for the day, as for me I was never allowed to go with the other kids.

Only Sophia, and that was because our parents knew each other and their parents knew each other as well.

Of course, now I understand why but back then I knew nothing. Now, I'm constantly thinking of the outcome of a situation before I even get there.

"What is this?" I crept up behind Jason to question him about the papers he had laid out in front of him.

We were in Stephans condo, which was absolutely beautiful. Of course Stephan had the perfect view upon the city, as he does with all of his locations I'm assuming.

We got here a few days ago and Sophia and I have pretty much been going out while they stayed here getting a solid plan together.

It was nice to actually get out without having the four of them hovering over us every second of the day.

"It's your task for the rest of the week."

I let out a loud grown. Today was the perfect day to lay down and watch movies. I was enjoying it here in Chicago. Nonetheless we are here on business so it was only a matter of time.

"This is Will Pastelo, he works in the business field and we need you and Sophia to act as assistants which should be easy since you all have experience working in that field."

"What are we supposed to do?" He wasn't exactly giving me direct information, which is what we needed.

"He keeps all his records, his files and things like that. With any given chance you two find as much information as you can on our parents."

"All in one day?" Sophia asked Jason and he shook his head.

"Impossible, you guys might not even be able to get into his office unattended on the first day. No rush though, you two have the rest of the week off and more if needed." He told us and I groaned inwardly.

It would be a shame if Sophia and I got fired from our jobs for going too far over the line by exceeded our limit. We only asked for the rest of the week off, nothing more.

Still I didn't say anything, I was positive we would get the job done by the end of the week, if not then sooner.

"Who is this guy, other than a business owner?" I asked Jason. If he's mixed up in this then he can't just be a regular person.

"At this moment, we still don't know but we are going to find out soon." He told me. It seemed as if he was keeping his sentences short which made me believe he was hiding something.

"When do we start?" Sophia asked, and took a seat on the nearest couch.

"Tomorrow morning, you guys will be his personal assistants and your objective is to get inside that office room alone, as much as you need to until you get all the information you can." Stephan suddenly jumped in and took over as he trotted down the stairs.

"Where will you guys be?" I asked him.

"Here, we may swoop in here and there as customers just to check in but that's it." He answered me. That wouldn't be all that bad actually, Sophia and I got this covered.

Another Chance At Us { Sequel to Gang Leaders Possession }Where stories live. Discover now