This Is It

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Chapter Twenty Seven - WARNING the following chapter is for mature readers only !!

One week later

It's been a week now and it's safe to say it's been moving in fast motion for me. Stephan has been gathering and preparing all of his men for supposedly one of the biggest fights since the start of the two gangs.

There's going to be close friends, family and even loved ones involved in this fight and with just that alone is going to be violent. Everyone is putting their all into this and so is the opposing side.

Nonetheless, with or without all of that I was still going to get what I wanted out of this with no exceptions.

I was going to bring my parents home.

The fact that it's been over five years really irked my soul, and these people were not going to get away without being held accounted for.

Each and every single person will get what they have coming to them for the five years they have took from us.

Right now we're in England and we are all settled in.  Tomorrow is the big day. The day where everything is going to unfold right before our eyes.

Which I was 100% ready for, I wasn't worried abt the bloodshed or the lives that were going to be lost. The only thing on my mind right now is bringing my parents back home.

"Hey, what's got your head bunched up?" Sophia came and laid down next to me.

"This house, this country, it's just bringing back a lot of memories right now." I told her truthfully. There was no need to lie or sugarcoat anything when it comes to Sophia.

Not only because she'll catch on quick, but if I ever need someone to confide in, without a doubt Sophia is the one for me. She is my person.

This house was the house I was at when I was staying with Stephan and the guys for the first time. Nothing has changed, maybe a few new decor here and there.

"I hate to recite it but your therapist was right, try not to get trapped into your past. Even though in this exact moment it's not an ideal picture, you have to focus on what's coming after."

"Yeah, I know. I just-" Just then a small knock appeared on my door. The door opened revealing Stephan.

"Can I talk to Emma for a second?" Sophia was more than happy to leave us in the room together. For some reason she gets all happy and weird when she sees us bond. I don't blame her though, this is kind of all new.

"Hey, how are you doing settling in so far. I hate that it had to be here but it's easier for my men to all be somewhere where we can all fit." He explained to me and I nodded my head. It's fully understandable.

There are nurses here as well so if anyone was to be injured they can get aid right here.

"Yeah, I'm doing good it's no worries." I assured him and he kept on looking at me.

"Be honest with me." He said to me and I bit my lip and looked to the side. He could tell something was up with me and sometimes I hated that.

"It's really nothing, I'm just fighting back some memories." I told him. It's funny, a while ago I would have done anything to have my memories back, and now that it's slowly showing itself I'm not sure if I want them.

It's only the first day back to all of this, tomorrow I should adjust just fine. It definitely doesn't affect me as bad as it used to but it's still a working progress.

Nonetheless I'm not going to let it get the best of me, I'm stronger than the little girl that I was. This is still just another obstacle that I have to get over.

Another Chance At Us { Sequel to Gang Leaders Possession }Where stories live. Discover now