Tell Me More

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"No..." I said to myself and tears began to pour out of my eyes. Stephan dropped his gun and watched the scene in front of him.

I went to go up to him but Aaron put his arms on my shoulder and shook his head. He had tears coming from his eyes too as well as some of the other men.

After the explosion every thing faded out and all I could hear was an intense amount of ringing in my ears and muffled screams.

My mom came up to me and pulled me into a hug. I began to cry into her shoulder as she rubbed my back. She was really standing in front of me. She's really here.

I repeated those words in my head over and over, every time it felt so surreal. My mother was always an inch shorter than me, so I had to hover a little.

All these years I've been missing out on moments where I needed my mom the most. To have my back physically and to be there for me emotionally when I needed her.

In this moment I was too overwhelmed with emotions that I couldn't even tend to Stephan. I am the reason they are all here. Stephan put himself and his men's life on the line just to protect mine.

For that very reason Jonathan lost his. I felt an unbearable pain in my chest, I couldn't move. I just stood there weeping to my mother like a little girl.

The guilt that overcame me made it too difficult to turn and face Stephan. He just lost one of his childhood friends, all for me.

He probably was pissed at me and filled with regret for ever taking up on my family's deal with him.

I don't blame him.

Stephan and I just began to be ourselves again, but better than the first time. We realized we would risk anything for each other, even our own lives.

That alone was dangerous, when push came to shove he always did what it cost to make sure I was safe. Silly me was just too stubborn to take it into thought.

I was just so used to this cold and hardened version of him that when he showed me anything otherwise it was hard to get used to. That's because in a blink of an eye he was back to his old self.

After Stephan and I ran into each other for the first time after the day I lost my memory, it was different. He was different, he was no longer going from hot to cold and from cold to hot.

"Perchè?" Stephan cried out, his knees hitting the floor. This was a new side of Stephan to me, although I'm pretty sure Aaron has seen it before.

"Who is that?" My mother asked me. We all looked towards where she was pointing and none of us were prepared for what we seen.

"It's Jonathan!" I began to jump and yell. I couldn't believe my eyes, Jonathan walking from that place alive, barely but still alive.

"You son of a b*tch."Stephan began to run towards him first before we all followed after.

None of us could touch him and we knew that. Jonathan had at least second degree burns, mainly on the right side of his body.

"At least I saved the hair." He began to get out between his grunts. Jonathan, always being a jackass.

He was acting as if he was more happy that he saved his hair rather than us. Then again he did have a different kind of love for his hair.

"Come on we got to get Jonathan and your father medical attention right now." He said to all of us before looking at me.

We got them both loading in the vehicles, once everything was ready we were headed off.

The car ride seemed to be forever, we were mainly focusing on making the two of them comfortable enough to have a smooth ride.

Neither one of them were able to lean back to relax, due to their injuries. I felt so bad that all this had been to save my family, but I could never thank these guys enough.

I couldn't help but feel a rush of happiness and peace, knowing that we finally got what we had been fighting for, after five long years.

It wasn't easy, most of us almost lost our life trying to get closer to what we needed to do, but we did it every time.

It's over, it's finally over.

After years of fighting and looking, we saved our parents even took down some bad men along the way, I can't complain.

Now that that's over there's only one thing left in my mind, what's next?

Do we go back to our normal lives or is it still going to be the same thing? I doubt that anything while go back to normal, especially when we were never really a normal family.

Nonetheless we're together, and that's all I could ask for.


One month later

It's been a month and it's safe to say things have been really good.

Jonathan and my father healed quicker than we thought. Give it another month or so and they should be back like they never left.

We stayed at Stephans house since then so that my my dad can heal with the proper care along with Jonathan.

Stephan had some of the best nurses attending to them and I was so grateful for it. My father was getting more comfortable and it was clear to see he was getting better as the days passed.

Now that he's back on foot we were planning on heading home soon. I just was invading my happiness with the thought of what Stephan and I were going to go from here.

That's all I could think about as a I sat on his patio. I was in a skimpy tank top with a pair of sweat shorts, it was beginning to get chilly.

I checked the time and it was almost 1am, it was getting late. I'm not sure how long I had been out here.

My parents were upstairs together, my mother was happy she could do more than just hold his hand these past months throughout his intensive care.

Sophia and Jonathan had been getting surprisingly close lately, she's also been taking care of him and his burns as much as she could. I never seen her show that sweet side of her to anyone else except me.

I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around to face Stephan. He himself had on a tank top but instead of flinching at the cold he walked out like the cool air was just a sweet breeze.

"What are you doing out here?" He came around to me and planted a kiss onto my lips and I smiled.

"Hey, don't give me that sad smile, what's the matter?" He sat down next to me and placed his hand on my thigh. It was radiating heat and it definitely traveled over to my body.

"I'm going back to England and you're going to be all the way over here." I told him.

"I got a beauty that can get me anywhere I'd like at any time, I don't think distance is going to be a problem." He told me and slid his hand over to take mine in his.

"I just have some business to take care of and once that's over you're the first person for me to see." He continued with a smirk on his face.

"Oh really, are you mysteriously going to show up in a trench coat?" I joked with him and he laughed, giving it a thought.

"Possibly, yes." We both began to laugh at our silly scenarios, but knowing Stephan he always has to have a grand appearance.

"Let's get you inside, it's too cold for you to be out like this." With his arm around me he guided me inside. It was a pretty chilly night, if I was properly dressed I would have been able to enjoy the weather.

We got up to my room and he shut the light on. I winced my eyes and shook my head at him.

"My apologies, Ms.Vampire." He turned the light right back off after he let me crawl into bed. A few seconds later I felt the bed sink in next to me and a warm presence followed after it.

"You're freezing." He pulled me into him and my body instantly relaxed. Its funny to think just a year ago I would be getting defensive and pushing him away.

Soon enough I was drifting away in Stephan's arms.

Another Chance At Us { Sequel to Gang Leaders Possession }Where stories live. Discover now