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Stephans POV

"Aren't you going to answer that?"

Jason looked up at me and shook his head no before placing the phone back on the table.

"Its Emma, she can't know anything about us working together and she doesn't even know that I'm in New York."

After the death of Jasons father he had no choice but to take over his position. His father never taught him so started to work together for a couple of years until he was able to keep everything in control on his own.

"Right this way, gentlemen." Me and Jason
breezed through the crowd as people made a way for us, our presence was well known and respected.

We entered the elevator and it took us to the second floor. That floor was closed off strictly for business, it's just one large room that looked to be a lounge with an office area placed in the corner.

Pretty shitty.

The man we were going to see goes by the name Vincent.

Vincent sent his pitiful men to one of my clubs to try and make business with my men. As if my men were going to turn on me for some cash and a few shitty offers.

"Mr.Vincent will be right with you." The man pulled out our chair and exited the room.

"How professional, the guy can't even be in his own office waiting for us." Jason said after the the door shut.

I fixed my eyes on the floor of the club and it was your typical club scenery. People dancing against each other, throwing back shots and and screaming the lyrics to the song.

I guarantee you at least one person is going to end up in a wreck tonight because they can't control their liquor and the bartenders don't realize because they are too foolish to be able to tell when a person has had enough.

A few minutes passed and the Laptop that was sitting across from us on the desk flickered on. Then all the sudden Vincents face appeared on the screen with a message.

"If you're watching this right now you're probably still sitting at my desk wondering where I am, well fellas, I'm far away from the club."

I looked back down at the club to see people being escorted out in a frantic speed.

"In about five minutes this place will be cleared out and blown to pieces, along with the two of you." He ended his sentence in a matter of fact tone.

"There's more to the death of your mother, Jason, it's right in front of your eyes and you don't even see it."

Before Jason could question him any further the screen went black and we were left alone in the building to get ourselves out.

We got out with less than a minute to spare, and after that Jason could not stop thinking about what Vincent said. He eventually asked for my help and now we're here.

"Tom, hows my reports looking from last night?"

Tom quickly rushed over to me with a small stack of papers in his hands, held together by a single red paper clip.

Another Chance At Us { Sequel to Gang Leaders Possession }Where stories live. Discover now