Second Day

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Chapter Twenty Two

A few days ago

This morning was the same as the morning before, we got up and got ready for work. Basically our usual routine for our regular job just at a different place.

The day breezed by pretty fast, Mr,Reynolds had a lot of calls come in today which caused Sophia and I to have to move his schedule around a few too many times.

We were planning on getting in his office unattended today, I just had to get into his drawers. Sophia was going to be my look out

Now was the perfect time because we found out that Mr.Reynolds takes a lunch break an hour before the actual time to avoid as much contact with his employees.

So here we were in his office while Sophia stood outside and kept an eye out. I started looking through the papers and folders on his desk.

It was pretty hard because Mr.Reynolds was a very organized man which meant I had to put everything right back in its place or he would know somebody was in here.

I'm pretty sure it wouldn't take long for him to find out either. I didn't see anything that really stood out to me yet, it's only things like his meetings and random dates.

I tried to open his drawers but of course they had to be locked. I'd be crazy to think that there wasn't something hidden in there so I had to find out what it was.

One of the things I learned when I was kidnapped years ago was how to pick a lock with a bobby pin. I was a little rusty on the technique but eventually I got it open.

There was still folders and documented papers, but the folders were different colors. I flipped through them as quick as possible, I had been in here for too long.

It took up some time to flip through these folders on by one, page by page. The last thing I wanted to do was skip through something that could be important.

I picked up a blue folder and that's when I saw it. At first I squinted my eyes at the bold letters to make sure I was seeing what I thought.

Sure enough it read Christina Stone . My sense of urgency suddenly came to a halt once I found what I was searching for.

Where was my fathers name? Could this possibly mean that my father was actually dead and not somewhere with my mother?

When I looked down and noticed another blue folder and let out a sigh of relief. We may have not had the best bond after my "mother's death" but he's my father.

This was really it.

Out of all the things I should have questioned, I asked myself if I really wanted to open these  folders.

Not because I was having second thoughts about wanting to know, but because I didn't know if I was able to handle what was behind them.

Nonetheless, I had to be ready. We put a lot of work into this just for me to bail out now. I came here on a mission and I'm going to complete it.

Just as I was about to open the folder that held my mothers name I heard three knocks on the door.

Instantly I grabbed the two folders and shut the drawers to his desk. When I headed towards Sophia she looked back at me and mouthed the words 'hide' clear as day.

I began to look around and went to the first hiding spot that I chose. When I opened it up I realized the space inside was a bit too small for me to fit.

Another Chance At Us { Sequel to Gang Leaders Possession }Where stories live. Discover now