In The Air

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We were driving down the streets of the city, I still wasn't told where he was taking me but I wasn't complaining.

The city lights lit up the night and the moon was high in the sky. That view alone was enough to allow me to enjoy my surroundings.

I was in a care-free mood right now, if something were to happen I wouldn't even blink an eye.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself over there." Stephan looked at me and smiled.

"It's a beautiful night, what is there not to enjoy?" I smiled back at him and rolled my window down further.

He smiled at me again and stepped on the gas a little harder. He wore that mischievous grin on his face as he began to speed through the streets.

Sober me probably would have told him to slow down, but I found myself sticking my head out the window.

My hair danced in the wind and the bright lights began to turn into a blur as we sped past them. My eyes focused on the moon as it moved with us.

"Prudente." I felt Stephan's hand grab mine and he held tightly, telling me to be careful.

"Last time you threw up everywhere." He added in, and I cringed at the memory.

"Hey asshole, you literally kidnapped me and threw my phone in a lake." I got back in my seat and glared at him.

"Emma? Holding grudges now?" He asked me, again with that smirk on his face. He knows that he did.

"I don't hold grudges, I keep tabs." I simply shrugged my shoulders because it was true.

I don't forget anything, anything. I may not remember something with specific details, but the memory never goes away.

"We're almost here, I hope you brought the pair of shoes that I asked you to bring." He told me, which I did. I was very confused as to why but like I said, Stephan is one mysterious man. He also told me to wear shorts underneath my dress.

We pulled up to a building and he parked his car. I had already put my shoes on so we began to make our way to the building.

"Now that we are here, can you tell me why I needed the shoes? I was thinking a beach but nowhere near. It was open land and a small building not too far.

The only reason I was able to see was because the lights lit up the area.

"Are you afraid of heights, Ms.Stone?" He looked at me with a smirk as we began to walk towards the very few people in the middle of the field. That's when I noticed the biggest deflated air balloon I even seen.

"Stephan...?" I widened my eyes at him and stopped in my tracks.

"What's with the scared look, I thought the Emma I knew wasn't afraid of anything." He was challenging me.

Heights have always given me an uneasy feeling at the pit of my stomach. Although the view is absolutely beautiful, being that high in the air sometimes terrified me.

I've been on a few airplanes in my life, everyone says after the first one you will get used to it. Biggest lie.

Even after all those feelings came back, all that came out of my lips were,

"Who said I was scared? Let's go." I looked him up and down, crossing my arms. Shrugging it off like it was nothing, when in fact it was the complete opposite.?

Once they started to inflate the ballon, we slowly began to float into the air. My palms became a bit sweaty and for a few seconds I did not look down, instead I shut my eyes.

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