Unpleasant Faces

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Chapter Ten

Before the sun came up I woke up pretty early so that I have enough time to drive home and get ready for work.

Even though Jason was half asleep when I woke him, we said our goodbyes and I found my way around the pretty large house.

The door had three locks and I couldn't hold back the groan that left my mouth.

"You've got to me kidding me." I began to play with the locks, it felt like I was trying to solve a Rubik's cube only harder.

It was hard to be as quiet as possible because the piece of metals made a noise that echoed through the silent house every time I turned them.

Suddenly I felt a presence behind me that was just too strong to ignore. His hand reached above me then he took a hold of mines and slowly turned the locks in the correct way.

I felt frozen in my spot even though his body was radiating heat. He must've just gotten out of his bed. He unlocked all three locks and when he was done I took the initiative to take my hand away and step back so that he could open the door.

He looked at me as he did and I quickly turned away,  waiting for him to open the door. His actions are still not forgiven completely, I wanted an explanation from him as well.

"Thanks." Before he could say anything else I got the hell out of the house and didn't look back. He kept his eyes on me until I successfully drove out of his driveway.

I waited for the gate to open, most likely controlled with a device Stephan uses. Once it did I finally peeled off and headed back home.

Standing behind this door I took a minute to collect myself to prepare for what was behind it. The door opened revealing what looked like a house after a teenage party.

The couches were flipped, broken items were laid out on the floor, it was a mess. It took me hours to clean up and once everything was finished my house looked almost empty because of all the broken items I had to throw away.

Today was one of my off days and I wasn't going to spend it in this house. Once I showered and got dressed I headed to the gym.

"Emma, to what do I owe the pleasure to have you in my gym." A man who was a trainer hopped down from the ring and headed over to me. His name was Mikhail and when I moved over here I always trained with him. It's been almost a year since I've been here.

"Life is a pain in the ass sometimes."

We caught up on a few things before we started to train. Mikhail doesn't have any idea about my life before I came here, all he knows is I'm a regular 23 year old struggling with the reality of being an adult.

Boxing is something I've always been attached to ever since I got a glimpse of street fighting when I was younger.

Before we hopped in the ring I did a few warming up routines solo on the punching bag. I was going over a jab, a rear hand hook, and some other basic punches.

Ten minutes passed and my heart rate was up, I had more than enough energy to burn in this moment.

"Let's see if you've became dull." Mikhail slipped on a pair off focus mitts while I slipped on my hand wraps.

I started with basic jabs before I switched into a routined combination. Jab, left cross, jab, right cross, left hook.

It was a basic combination but it's complex in its own way. If it's not done in the correctly then it won't be effective.

"Looks like you've changed the place around since the last time I've seen it." I kept up with my combination while shifting my feet and dodging his blows.

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