Cutting Ties

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Once you allow yourself to grow close to someone, cutting the ties could be painful•

"I came here to get my belongings, I'm not mad at you but right now I just need to be in my own home, alone."

I slept in my car last night, I just didn't want to be in the same household with her, she would be apologizing for hours on end if I did.

It didn't seem like the smartest idea to drive back to my house under the influence so I parked it down the road from her place.

Sophia nodded and let me past her. I went into the room upstairs and packed my things that I had in this household.

"Emma, I just want you to understand that I wasn't trying to hurt you when I made that decision, but now I realize by making that decision I was doing more damage than I thought it would."

Sophia continued to explain herself as I packed up my things in the suitcase I brought with me. In less than five minutes I was done and I headed back downstairs with Sophia hot on my trails.

When I got outside the door I finally turned around and put my hand up, silencing her.

"Like I said, I'm not mad at you I just want to be alone right now, I'll see you at work." With that I turned around and got in my car without looking back.

I had a nightmare in my car last night, I don't remember anything from it though. All I can remember is hearing deafening screams from a woman.

It's been years since my last nightmare and they used to be terrible but I got rid of them not long after I moved here. I would wake up screaming myself right into a panic attack, they're just to bad for anyone to witness so I prefer to be alone.

More pieces of my memory started to jog back into my head as I was driving and I just wanted to shut them out but I couldn't.

When I got back to my house, which had been empty for weeks, I threw my bag down and went straight to the shower.

My playlist was on shuffle and I used it to ease my mind on things. I just didn't understand why they would keep something like that away from me, again. All my life I've had people do that.

My dad when he sent me off to a boarding school and when they gave me away to a bunch of gang members for protection. Being the little sister of Jason was no help either.

He always thought he knew what was best for me and just like my dad, they did everything possible to make sure I never grow up too fast.

I was always thrown around without having any type of say in it, I was never in control of my own life and I hated it.

Growing up I never got to make any decisions on my own and I was treated as if I wasn't capable of making them. After all they have done I still managed to get shot which resulted in me losing almost two years worth of my memory.

It left me stuck with all of the old memories. After the age of ten everything became a wreck slowly.

Now my recent memories are coming back I realize they aren't all that better than my old memories, did I ever experience anything good? Anything worth remembering, at least.

Has the majority of my life always been so shitty?

When I thought it couldn't get any worse a vague memory appeared in my head. It was when he held me tightly as he locked his lips with mines. He made me crave things I never even knew I wanted. He was the only one who gave me such a feeling I couldn't describe.

Yes, at age 23 I have never been with any man before. I doubt Stephan even knew that, if he did he probably would have went running off into the hills.

My freshman year I did have a boyfriend, then the school year ended along with our relationship. Had the nerve to say he wanted to have a good summer alone and that I was too uptight.

It was obvious. He ended it because I never wanted to give it up to him. Even though I always have to remind him I'm not ready, he just wasn't ready to wait for me.

"Hey, Jason. I know you're probably busy right now but I just really need to talk to you so please when you get the chance, give me a call back."

I left Jason another voicemail, I've been trying to reach him for the past two hours.

The tables have turned. First it was me who forgot about Stephan, turns out he's the one erasing me from his memory. If he hasn't already, it's been years.

My situation wasn't planned. Now I'm stuck wishing I didn't lose my memory in the first place. I remembered what happened that night crystal clear.

The night where he saved my life the first time. It was when we were at a restaurant. He tucked my head safely into his chest and covered me once he took me to the ground.

I started to remember how calm I felt with all the chaos going on around me. The gunshots, the breaking glass, and the deafening screams.

Still, I don't remember what happened the night where I got shot but at least I remember the night at the restaurant.

Has he really forgotten about me?

Well, it makes sense. How could he be strung on a woman he's never even had sex with? Men don't like to be tied down so me losing my memory was probably doing him the biggest favor without him having to ask.

Before Jason and I left to Italy I remember the brief moment me and Stephan shared. He he was basically breaking things off with me without actually saying it.

He was beating around the bush but the point was very clear, even though we weren't a thing he wanted no ties in whatever we were.

That makes up for the reason why he left instead of trying to bring my memory back. I was just unwanted baggage.

That's how I felt when I was sent off to a boarding school. To me it looked like I was too much to deal with after my mothers death so they sent me away instead.

I settled down on the fact that I couldn't last much longer in this empty house or I was going to go nuts so I threw on a coat and headed to my favorite coffee shop.

A small bell placed above the door sounded through the quiet cafe as I entered it. I let out a laugh and nodded my head when I neared the front desk.

"Morning, E, just the usual today?"

Nikita works at the shop almost every day and after I became a regular we became friends you can say.

One day we ran into each other at the mall and decided to finish shopping together. Me and Sophia come here often and make small talk, she's such a good person and if it wasn't for our busy schedule we would be hanging out much more.

My name was called out and I returned to the counter to pick up my Carmel latte and my breakfast wrap.

"Hey, do you know that guy? He's been looking at you for over a minute now."

I turned my head to where her eyes were focused at only to see the back of someones head exiting the cafe.

"Well at least you got to see his hair, it was cute too." She shrugged her shoulders and smirked. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"It was regular brown hair, Nikita."

We shared a few words before I left a little too quick to see if I could catch the man who was checking me out.

I quickly spotted him and once again his back was facing me when he jumped into his car. He swiftly swiftly pulled out and drove away.

After laughing at myself inwardly, I got into my car and drove back to my house to spend the rest of the day lounging around in PJs.


Hope you guys enjoyed, I'm going to try putting quotes at the beginning of every chapter

If you enjoyed please star and add my book to your library to stay updated, xoxo🤍.

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