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Isabel rounded off her shift and turned on her phone as she changed out of her scrubs. She had switched off the device since morning because she wasn't ready to talk to Ken. He had been calling her more frequently, asking if Ben was awake yet and if there was any news about when he would regain consciousness. While Isabel found these questions strange, she just assumed he was acting concerned because he wanted to be back in her life and was being nice for that reason alone.

Her phone rang a few seconds later. She checked the caller ID and answered when she saw it was Winnie.

"Isabel! Why was your phone switched off? I've been trying to reach you for hours!!!" Winnie shouted, making Isabel jump.

"Sorry Winnie, I just needed a clear head while working. What's up? Did something happen?"

"Ben is awake!!! We're all at the hospital," said Winnie before adding in a lower tone, "Even Tina is here."

"Ben is awake? Oh my goodness! Thank the heavens!! I will be there soon, I just finished my shift," Isabel said, happiness and gratitude overwhelming her. She had so many things to say to him, so much she wanted to express.

She said goodbye to Winnie and hurriedly finished dressing. She ran outside, got into the first taxi she could find and told the driver her intended location. She was sure the man would wonder why she was going from one hospital to another but she didn't care about that at the moment.

As soon as they got to the hospital, she paid the fare and jumped out of the car. She rushed inside and a nurse led her to the private room where Ben had been transferred. She met him surrounded by his parents, Uche, Winnie and Tina. Tears rolled down her face as she looked at him. She got the miracle she had prayed for and she couldn't be more thankful.

"Hi Isabel," Ben said softly when he noticed her standing there.

She wiped her tears away and tried to compose herself. She had never been one to cry on a whim but the past few days had brought out her inner crybaby.

"Hi Ben, I'm glad you're awake," She said with a smile and then said hello to everyone else.

"I'm glad I'm awake too," He said and then looked at the people present before speaking again.

"I'm sorry I made everyone worry and I'm glad you all are part of my life."

"Welcome back man, thank you for coming back to us. Do you remember what happened?"

"My memory is fuzzy right now but I remember this truck coming out of nowhere and running into my car. I don't remember anything else."

"The doctors said you were the only one that was brought in. There was no mention of anyone else being at the site," Uche said with his face scrunched.

"Maybe he was taken to another hospital," said Richard, still looking at his son intently.

"Maybe. Please everyone, can I have some minutes alone with Tina?" Ben asked, surprising the entire room. Tina looked up sharply, her eyes wide.

Isabel wondered why he would want to have a one on one with Tina but she couldn't ask, she didn't even have the right to. She turned and left with the rest of the group, hoping she'd get the chance to talk to him later. When they were out in the hallway, her phone rang and she picked up absentmindedly.

"Hey babe! I've been trying to reach you all day. What's up?"

Dang! The one person she had been avoiding all day.

"I'm fine Ken. I'm currently visiting Ben at the hospital so I can't talk much right now."

"Ben? He's awake?"

"Yes, he's awake."

"Oh wow. When did he wake up? Does he remember what happened?"

"No he does not remember anything," Isabel replied irritably.

"Okay. I'd stop by to see him later."

"Why? You both are not friends. You don't even like him at all."

"I might not like him but he just had a very serious accident plus you care about him too," Ken said calmly.

"Alright then, suit yourself. I have to go, I'll talk to you later."

"Okay babe, I love you."

Isabel did not reply and just ended the call. Why would he say he loved her without warning? What even annoyed her the most was that her heart gave a tiny flutter when he said those words. The three words she loved hearing most from him in the past, the words that made her smile like an idiot, just like she was doing now.


Tina was puzzled. She wondered what Ben wanted to talk about that he even sent out his family and friends.

Perhaps, he wants us to get back together, she mused.

The thought of them being a couple again made her feel warm and jittery inside and she couldn't wait for him to just say the words.

"Please sit Tina," Ben said, pointing to the chair beside his bed. When she sat down, he gave her a smile; one that melted her insides even more. She returned the smile and waited for him to speak.

"I wanted to talk to you because I had a few things to clear up," He said after a few minutes.

"Okay. What are they?"

"There's something about nearly dying that gives you a clearer perspective. Tina, you hurt me greatly, more than I've ever been hurt in my entire life and the worst part of it all was that I didn't get any explanation. If only you had told me earlier that you were tired of us and had found somebody else, I would have tried to understand even though it would still hurt. I've not talked about what happened because I didn't want to bring it up but I realized I should. In order for us to move forward, we need to express ourselves," He paused to take a deep breath and shift into a more comfortable position.

"I'm-I'm so sorry Ben. I don't know what came over me. I never meant to hurt you and if you give me another chance, I would make it up to you. I promise not to hurt you again," She said, holding back tears.

"I forgive you Tina, I don't want to hold grudges or be sad anymore. I don't want to be filled with uncertainty and I don't want to doubt that love exists because I know it does. I won't judge you anymore for doing what you thought was best for you. And as for a second chance, there will be no need for that."

"Please Ben, just let me make it up to you. I've changed now and I'm a better person. I should not have left you for Alex and I'm so so sorry. You're a hundred times the man he is."

"You and I can't happen again Tina. I deserve much better and I'm never settling anymore. I want you to be happy though. Find someone who will truly love you and when you do, make sure you hold on to him."

"Ben-" Tina started to say but he chipped in before she could finish.

"Listen to me Tina. I don't hold any more resentment for you, I've let it all go and I truly mean it when I say I want you to be happy. But that happiness does not lie with me. I'll ask my manager to pay the lease on your apartment for two more years. I'm hoping you'd have gotten back on your feet by then."

"I don't know what to say except that I'm truly sorry and very grateful Ben."

"It's alright, apology accepted. I'm starting to feel really tired but I'm glad I got this off my chest. Take care Tina," He said and she watched him drift off to sleep, beating herself up for being so stupid.


Phew! For a moment I was scared Ben would take Tina back but it seems our golden boy has other plans. What will happen next? I am starting to wonder!

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